𝐢𝐢. pentos

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Maegor was so terribly bored.

This country bored him, their customs bored him and most importantly, his wives, the whole reason he was in this godforsaken country, bored him. He was not one to live out punishments and exile was the worst of them all. He would've rather that Aenys had held a sword to his throat. That would've at least had his blood pumping before it was spilled.

"My Prince?" Alys asked from across the room making Maegor look up from a letter he had been penning to his mother. "It is nearly luncheon, should we not join Ceryse downstairs?"

"You go join her." Maegor commanded, waving a hand in dismissal as he returned his gaze to the letter. 

"But my prince-"

"Must I tell you again? Would you rather be deprived of food." Maegor stated, not looking up until he heard the door close behind the sigh of his second wife.

And thus Maegor was left alone.

It seemed he preferred that these days, forever attempting to escape the company of his wives who were in fact the very reason he was so very far away from where he belonged. And thus, he seemed to be constantly left with his own thoughts. Something uncomfortable to a born warrior. If he were a thinker perhaps it would be a comfort and yet it seemed to plague him. His thoughts. His thoughts of his mother, of his crown... of her.

His thoughts of her plagued him the most.

From what the exiled prince could glean from the rare mention of his dearest niece from Visenya's letters, she had blossomed into the very picture of true Valyrian woman even without his own influence. He had worried somewhat that she would be horribly affected by her lily livered parents and siblings and yet it seemed she hadn't.

In fact, even after the show his brother had made of wishing to protect Alyssara from him, Aenys did very little for the girl. Often leaving her either in the care of Visenya or the Septa's for many moons at a time. Years ago when he had heard Alyssara had spent an entire year in Oldtown due to her father having 'troubles with his wife' Maegor had nearly taken to dragon back to burn the Red Keep to its foundations.

But his mother had advised against it. And his mother was usually correct.

It did not help that his brother had forbidden him contact with his niece, meaning no letters would be able to be exchanged between the two. He knew her from pages, from another view. How he longed to lay eyes on her now.

"Your majesty." A courier escorted by a guardsman announced as the door to his study opened. Maegor nodded for him to speak. "The Dowager Queen Visenya has sent word."

Maegor raised a brow.

His mother had never been referred to as dowager queen before.

Holding out his hand, he tore the letter from the courier's hands and waved them away as he broke the seal bearing the three headed dragon symbol of their house. Only three words were written upon the paper.

It has begun.

He couldn't help how his eyes widened. He knew the elegant scrawl was not that of his mother's and yet even without any previous handwriting to compare it to, he knew exactly whom the letter had been written by.

It seemed Maegor was no longer bored.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

The skies were stormy the night dragons shadows graced the land of Esso's as they flew above him. Lightning struck like fire among the clouds and even far below, the people of Pentos caught glimpses of the silver haired riders above them as though they themselves were stars peaking through the cloudy night sky.

The smaller of the dragons, though far swifter than the hulking form of the elder beast, shrieked as she blazed a torch of fire ahead of them which practically evaporated the rain pouring around the two dragon riders.

The people of Pentos watched as the dragons flew across the night sky, making their way to the magnificent castle upon the mountain top where the cruel prince, his wives and the black dread had made their home these past five years, hardly showing themselves to the people below.

And a sound appeared, breaking through the storm as though part of the storm itself.

Balerion was roared, a sound like thunder, a greeting.

Pentos shivered, Essos shivered, Westeros shivered.

Nothing would ever be the same.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

"Take us to my son." Visenya commanded of a dragon keeper who immediately rushed over the moment the dragons had landed, sliding from the back of Vhagar swiftly as though she was not nearing the age of five and fifty. "It is imperative we see him immediately."

"But my Lady it is very late." The dragon keeper said, attempting to be heard over the pelting rain which stung their skin as they stood in the storm. "He is most likely asleep-"

"I care not whether he is deep in the cunt of a whore." Alyssara's voice broke through the sound of the thunder as she pulled her gloves from her hands and strode towards her aunt. "Where is he?"

The Dragon Keeper merely pointed towards the door, clearly knowing what can come with the rage of a Targaryen who does not get what they want. 

Following after her great aunt, Alyssara couldn't help but suddenly feel the weight of the situation at hand. She would be seeing the very person she had wanted to see and yet had never been allowed to for so very many years. It was a strange phenomenon for anyone to face and yet it was different. They were bound in a way no other could be. Through fire, through blood and through mystery. For ones who knew each other so well, truly knew each other so very little.

It had been you and me, since before I was me Alyssara remembered writing in a letter that had never been sent so many years ago and never was it more true to her than right now.

Reaching a landing within the castle, Visenya and Alyssara shook themselves of the remaining rain that fell down their bodies while coming face to face with the infamous wives of the very man they were looking for.

"Your majesties." Lady Ceryse Hightower curtsied immediately, holding her robe close to her body. "It has been far too long. I'm glad you could grace us with your company."

Alyssara noticed the second wife, a woman she had not seen for many years was watching them with a wide eyed gaze. She seemed to be frozen. But she came to her senses under Alyssara's piercing gaze. Although the woman as far younger than Alys herself, it was not unknown to feel so thoroughly unworthy when in the same breath of the Princess.

"Alys what have I said about disrespect?" A drawling voice broke the uncomfortable silence, a voice that had haunted Alyssara for years. One she had never been able to forget.


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𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐀𝐘 | maegor targaryenWhere stories live. Discover now