𝐢𝐱. awakened

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After explaining the situation to Tyanna, the Pentosi woman had relented. She did not hate Alyssara, she could never hate Alyssara. Though Tyanna held a flame for the Targaryen Queen and she always would, she would never get in the way of what Alyssara wanted.

They were both ambitious women and for all of Tyanna's faults, never would she get in the way of another woman's ambitions. Only should she have gone mad would she have done such a thing.

She asked only one thing in return for healing Alyssara's husband.

Sleep with me one last time, Tyanna asked as she gestured to the space beside her, merely that, only sleep is all I ask, let me pretend you are only mine and not some man's for a few hours more?

Alyssara could not deny her dearest friend that. She had also found herself becoming far more exhausted over the past moon. Small things tired her more than they used to. So it was not soon before Alyssara was curled into the taller woman's gentle hold as Tyanna threaded her fingers through her silver hair until she herself was on the brink of sleep.

But before she was taken away by the same dreams as the girl in her arms, she curled her hand around the Targaryen girl's waist and laid her hand atop the gentle curve of Alyssara's stomach.

And she knew.

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

Alyssara had noticed how very quiet Tyanna had seemed the entire morning. Even as she wound her arms around Alyssara's waist on the back of Vyara, even as they saw the towers of the Red Keep in the distance, even as they landed in the dragon pit, she barley spoke.

Alyssara hoped Tyanna had not been struck dumb during the night, she would be no use if she had been.

"Fetch the dowager Queen and tell her to meet us in the King's rooms." Alyssara commanded to one of the handmaidens who had rushed forward as Alyssara helped Tyanna from the back of her dragon. "And prepare rooms for Lady Tyanna. She will be staying with us for the foreseeable future."

The handmaiden bowed and ran quickly, none wanted to stay close in the vicinity of the Queen for very long. No matter how much Alyssara was beloved by the people, she was even more feared.

Alyssara lead the still silent Tyanna through the halls of the Red Keep. Although still under construction, a large wing was open and mostly finished and the Royal Family had made their home there for as long as they had ruled. Maegor's rooms were in the western most of the wing.

"You will have your own rooms down the hall from Maegor and I's rooms." Alyssara explained to her companion who still seemed to have lost her tongue. "Should you need anything, either for yourself or to care for the King, it shall be provided."

"You already fit the part of a Queen." Tyanna spoke, breaking her silence for the first time that day. 

"I always knew I would warm quickly to the role." Alyssara stated, undeterred by the tone of Tyanna's voice. She was withholding something. Alyssara could not even attempt to guess what it could be for with Tyanna... it could be anything.

"Yes you were born to be Queen." Tyanna continued as Alyssara finally turned to open the door to where Maegor lay, still unconscious. "As you were born with a royal womb."

That made Alyssara pause momentarily, her back still turned to the Pentosi sorceress.

"Yes, my mother always said such things." The new Queen said carefully, opening the door to allow Tyanna to follow her in. That was when her eyes laid on Visenya, still in the same clothes she had left her in but a day prior. She had not left her son's side. "Aunt?"

Visenya turned slowly, ever one to keep her composure. But Alyssara knew her far too well, perhaps better than anyone. Visenya Targaryen was growing desperate.

And Alyssara couldn't help but agree for as her eyes laid on her husband, stiff and still and cold upon what should be their bed she herself could feel the anguish seep into her blood. She needed her husband to return to her this minute.

She felt like a child again.

Her uncle banished and she left alone.

So lonely.

"Alyssara, you've returned." Visenya stated before her eyes turned to Tyanna who seemed to stalk through the shadows behind Alyssara. "Who is she?"

"Tyanna." Alyssara said, pulling herself to regal form and banishing any thoughts of a childhood that was anything but. "She is going to heal the King."

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

It had been but four days since Alyssara had brought Tyanna to court and Maegor still had not awoken. Visenya was impatient. She did not trust most people outside of the family and least of all did she trust most people with the care of her son but she did trust her niece.

Give her time, Alyssara had implored the older woman, I trust her.

Trust is a fickle thing zaldritsos, Visenya had tutted quietly from the corner as she watched Tyanna drip feed a potion of some sort down, look where it got your siblings.

Aegon the uncrowned, they call him, Alyssara had bit back, he is a martyr now, i gave him a holy death.

They both decided they would not speak of it again.

She had had her own things to deal with as of late. Most specifically, something had been plaguing her and causing her the most extreme fatigue ever since she had brought Tyanna to Kingslanding but she had not yet mentioned it.

Visenya would claim Tyanna was poisoning the new Queen and Tyanna would immediately abandon Maegor to tend to her. Alyssara was no fool. She knew where Tyanna's true loyalties lay.

But she would not go to the Maester's. Never.

Gods were stubborn and Targaryen's were the closest one would ever get to the Gods on this earth. Alyssara was as stubborn as any.

So she muddled through. Ignoring the overwhelming nausea and dizziness that came with every movement, she set about ruling the Kingdom. Alyssara appointed members to his small council, she passed two laws within four days which protected the Red Keep as a site where battle would not be waged and made Valyrian marriages sanctified by the way of the old religion of the Freehold, making it illegal to stand against such things and prevent bloodshed for earlier years.

Although ruling impressively for a Queen with her King comatose, the court began to notice how the young Targaryen was beginning to fail.

She was pale, ivory pale, most days with sunken eyes that pierced many a man. Some would write later that the only reason she got so much done while her husband was away was due to how afraid the council were of Alyssara the cunning.

But her health was failing and she had absolutely no idea as to why. 

But it seemed the day she thought perhaps she would succumb and seek out Tyanna due to her ailments, Tyanna sought her out first for a far more joyous reason, pulling her from her room and dragging her down the hallway while exclaiming only three words for the entire Keep to hear.

"He is awake!" 

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·.

𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐁𝐋𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐄𝐒𝐓 𝐃𝐀𝐘 | maegor targaryenWhere stories live. Discover now