Chapter 4

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I waved goodbye to Jeffery as he pulled away and blew me a kiss. I chuckled then pushed the door in. I didn't see a point in climbing back through the window since Jinxx had caught me driving away. I winced as i thought about flipping him off. Hes gonna kill me i thought grimly. "I'm back!" I yelled but there was no response. I sighed and headed to my room.

I opened the door to my room, and upon entree i was greeted by my flashing phone, which i'd pluged in before i left. I sat on my bed and unlocked the screen. To see that I'd missed five calls, and had twenty text messages. I scrolled through my messages. There was 5 from Jinxx basicly telling me how much trouble i was in when i got back, 5 from CC telling me not to come home for at least an hour, and 10 from my dad freaking out. I rolled my eyes.

I switched over to my voice mails. I barely listened to the first two. It was just Jinxx repeating what he'd said in his text. But as son as the third voice mail played. I could feel the tears forming at the sound of his voice.

"Hey princess.' My dad started. "I don't know where you are, but i need you to answer your phone. I know your still angry at me but at least call Jinxx or CC. We're all worried about you come home." I quickly hit end and threw my phone before the other messages started playing. Come home? Jinxx's isn't home. I felt a tear fall down my face and i angerly wiped it away. Home was with daddy watching Batman together. Home was trying to bake cookies in the kitchen but Andy eating all the damn cookie dough.

I ran a hand through my hair frustrated and grabbed my phone. I texted Jinxx a quick message letting him know I'd made it back to HIS house.Then texted an old friend Courtney. She replied quickly. I smiled as i read her message. 'Sure chicka! Party tonight at Chris's. it'll be a blast."

I gave her instructions to Jinxx's and headed down stairs and waited for the boys to get back. Not even five minutes later CC and Jinxx burst through the door. "Where the hell have you been?" Jinxx bellowed. I rolled my eyes. "I was with Jeffery, you know the gay guy?" CC chuckled and sat down next to, draping an arm around me. I wiggled comfortably but didnt say anything. Jinxx glared at me. "Go to your room, i dont wanna see you for the rest of the night." I tried to hide my smile at these words and got up. "Whatever." I said while planning on what outfit I'd wear tonight.

—time skip—

Id, once again, snuck out my window and waited for Courtney to pull up. I had a cigarette between my black painted lips. I'd done my eye make-up to look Smokey and sexy. I wore a belly shirt and short skirt.

I was going to go to this damn party, fuck some guy and get over Andy..(like that's possible). I sighed then took a deep breath dragging the smoke deep into my lungs. I was starting to understand why dad loved these things.

Courtney pulled up and I put my cigarette out before jumping in her car.

"You haven't been out with the gang in forever!" She gushed. "Not like I'm complaining or anything, but why are you wanting out? " "I just need to forget about some shit Court." She nodded. The entire way to the party she gushed about her nails and this new outfit and blah blah blah. I really needed a drink.

Once we entered the building Court went to find her boyfriend and I went to find the beer. This party would be shit until I was too shitfaced to think. That was accomplished 10 beers and 3 shots later. But just as I was getting my buzz on, Court came up to me crying. Something about Jake and some bitch. I followed Court out and soon found myself outside my house. Not Jinxx's, mine, and I still found myself crawling in through the window. I head straight to the kitchen to steal a pack of cigarettes from the top of the fridge and some vodka.I could hear moans coming from my dad's room. Make that whiskey and vodka.

I was growing more annoied of the moaning. I could still hear it in the kitchen. I leaned up on my tip toes and grabbed Andy's last box of cigaretts and his spare lighter. I pulled out a ciggarett and lit it up. I inhaled deeply then blew out and watched the smoke swirl around me. I then made my way to the alcohol cabniet. I grabbed the Vodka and the Whiskey then sat them on the counter. I'd decided to use one of Andy's special beer mugs and swung open the cabniet. I sighed in annocence at how high up they were.

Lets get things stright here, I'm not short. Im an average hight. My dad is just godfuckingzilla. I giggled softly to myself at the thought of my dad being Godzilla. I stuck the ciggarett between my lips as I climbed up on the cabniet and reached for his batman mug. I began to pull it out but it slipped from my hands and shattered on my legs and some fell to the floor. I shrugged and grabbed another mug.

I turned to jumped down and sighed in frustration. How the hell was i suppose to get to the damn Vodka with all this glass. "Faye?" I heard Andy's deep voice call to me. I turned and smiled at him. He was in nothing but his boxers and was holding the baseball bat. I pulled the ciggert out of my mouth and put it out in the sink, which was right next to me. "Well hello Andy!" I called to him. "Wanna come save me from this glass?" He rolled his eyes at me. He went and grabbed the broom and swept it up. "My hero!" i gushed as he picked me up and sat me on the ground.

Just then a pretty blond girl walked in wearing nothing but my dad's t-shirt. I glared at her. Then turned and headed to the vodka. Screw the damn glass I thought angerly and started drinking out the bottle. "Who is that?" The blond asked with a sneer. "I'm the daughter." I said at the same time my dad said, "My daughter." I smiled at her sweetly. "Your boobs are lopsided and very small. Plus your nose it too big for your face."  She looked to Andy in astonishment.

"You'd better go." Was all he said. I smiled at her smugly and she turned and left the room. We just at in silence until we heard the front door shut. "What the fuck are you doing?" He snapped at me. "Well Andy, i thought i that was obvious." I held up the vodka. He rolled his eyes. He opened his mouth to yell at me, but stopped his eyes widening. "What happened to your legs!?" He asked. I looked down and saw the blood trickling down my legs. I shrugged.

He picked me up bridal style and carried me to the bathroom and sat me on the side of the tub. He grabbed some rubbing alcohol and knelt in front of me. I placed my hands on my hips and he poored some alcohol on my legs and i bit my lip and bug my nails into his shoulder. He stared up at me and moved some hair from my face. Then he kissed me.

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