Chapter 5

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I pushed Andy away from me. "What the fuck is wrong with you?" I snarled. He stared at me confused. "You cant just play with my feelings you dick. one minute we're okay, then the next you're shipping me off to Jinxx's. Plus you just fucked a bitch, i don't wanna know where that mouth has been!" Andy stood and grabbed my hips pulling me towards him. He rested his forehead against mine. "I'm sorry." He whispered.
"Sorry doesn't cut it Andy!" I snarled and pushed my way past him heading towards me room. i growled in frustration as i realized that my clothes were all at Uncle Jinxx's. I went into Andy's room and grabbed an old pair of boxers and an old shirt. "I'm going to bed!" I yelled, slamming my door shut and changing into the clothes I'd stole from my dad. I climbed in the bed and threw the covers over my head.
------Faye's Dream------
Andy's lips met mine in a slow, loving kiss. He kissed down my neck and whispered that he loved me in between each kiss. He was gentle and sweet and he wasn't trying to make any sexual advances, he was just kissing me.
Suddenly the dream switch and Andy stood over me as i cowered i the ground. "fucking teasing slut, no wounder your mother hit you." He snarled. He brought his foot crashing into my stomach. "Stop." I whispered. He ignored me and kicked me harder. I heard a sicking crunch as his foot made impact and i cried out. "DADDY STOP!" I yelled and tried to move away.

I woke with a gasp to find Andy shaking me awake. I looked at him wide and screamed. He grabbed me and pulled me into his arms, cradling me to his chest. Sobs racked my body as he rocked me. "It was just a dream." He whispered to me silently. He repeated this until my tears ceased. He kissed the top of my head. "Don't leave me alone." I whispered. "Never." He replied gently lying down and taking me with him. He wrapped an arm protectively around me. And i drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

When i woke in the morning, Andy was lying next to me. I turned slowly, so not to wake him, and laid my head on his chest. I wrapped an arm around his waist. I closed my eyes and prayed that we could just stay that way for five minutes. I prayed he stayed asleep just a little bit longer, knowing after he woke up it was back to Jinxx's.My prayers were not answered.
Andy wrapped an arm around me and kissed the top of my head. "Morning princess." He mumbled in his super sexy morning voice. "Good morning, Andy." I replied.
"Why do you keep calling me Andy?" He sounded frustrated. "You weren't complaining when i was moaning it."I snapped at him. We grew silent. He went to move out from underneath me. "Wait." I said placing a hand on his chest. "I'm sorry, I just," I sighed "I'm hurt that yo gave up on me easily. And i know that calling you Andy pisses you off." He rolled us so I was pressed underneath his body.
He kissed my neck gently. "I'd never give up on you baby. Never." I felt something wet fall against my cheek and that is when i understood. My dad was crying. The man who broke three of his ribs and still preformed, is crying. I was speechless. I rubbed his back and kissed his head. "Don't make me leave again." I whispered. He looked up at me with tear filled eyes. "Never baby."

Andy kissed my cheek gently. "I'm sorry, i didn't think about your feelings Faye. I was being selfish, i thought sending you to Jinxx's was what was best for you." He tucked my hair behind my ear. "It's okay daddy, I forgive you." I whispered and brushed my lips against his. He groaned.
"You cant tease me Faye." He whispered and kissed me. I pulled back and giggled. He moved and sat down with his back against his my head board. He picked my up and sat me in his lap. "I love you Faye." "And i love you Andy." Before he could complain about me calling him Andy I pressed my lips to his. His arms wrapped around my waist and I pulled back grinning. "So, does this mean..." I began but Andy cut me off. "Yes Faye, you're mine. But you cant tell anyone." I beamed at him and kissed his cheek.
"Our secret." I held out my pinky and he wrapped his around mine. Sealing the deal with a pinky promise. Just then Andy's phone started ringing. he grabbed it off my night stand and answered it. Before he could say hello i hear a frantic Jinxx, "Shes gone Andy. When i woke up this morning she wasn't there.." Jinxx kept ranting going on and on. I rolled my eyes. "Jinxx....Jinxx...JINXX. Shes here." Jinxx shut up. "With you..?" Jinxx asked. "No i just said that, of course shes with me!"
"Do i need to come get her?" Jinxx sounded more annoyed now.
"Nah, but can you bring her stuff by when you head over to the studio?" My dad asked then kissed me on the nose. I giggled. "Wanna ride to the studio?" Jinxx asked as i kissed my dad's nose. "Yea, that would be great."
Andy hung up and stared at me. "You're so beautiful." He whispered. "I get my looks from my dad." I teased. He chuckled. "Go get my laptop. It's Monday, you have school." I groaned and got up. Andy smacked my ass. I giggled and rushed towards the door. I threw one last look at my dad as he laid in all his shirtless glory on my bed. "Hurry up." He said. I blew him a kiss before heading heading to his room. I decided to be nice and grabbed dad some clothes to change into as well as the laptop.
I walked back in the room and set the laptop up to take my online high school classes. My dad kissed my neck then got up and started getting dressed. i watched him smirking. He noticed me looking and smirked. He took his time, letting me enjoy the view. A few minutes later dads phone beeped and he checked it. "Jinxx is here." He said. "Alright daddy." I mumbled working on my math. He walked over and grabbed my chin between his fingers and tilted my head, forcing me to look up at him. "Get your shit done, because when i get home. I want you naked in my bed." He whispered. I smirked. "Yes sir." He chuckled and kissed me. "See you tonight baby." He said and left me looking after him.

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