Chapter 13

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It's been two weeks since I moved back in with my mom. Life was hell. I hadn't heard from Andy since the night he called me drunk. I missed him, even if he had tore my heart from my chest and ripped it to pieces. I sighed as I leaned against the counter tops.
She had promised things would be different. She said she was better. She lied. She wasn't clean at all. I walked in on her shooting up my second day home. Ugly bruises covered my arms. I felt the tears begin to fall down my face.
Was I just unloveable? Everyone I have lived with has repeatedly torn me down and hurt me. I just wanted someone to love me and take care of me. Was that honestly to much to ask for?
I shook my head trying to stop the dark thoughts that were growing. I was growing so tired of fighting. I want to give up. As I sat there in the kitchen, I remembered how I use to black out these thoughts. I hadn't noticed myself reach for the knife. But when I felt the handle in my hand, I couldn't stop my self. The tears fell faster now. And I pulled back my sleeve wincing when I saw the ugly blackish blue hand print Around my wrist. I pulled the knife quickly against my pale skin, and watched as the blood began to slowly pour from the wound.
I'm so broken.
--three months later--

I sat in front of the T.V. Mom was at "work". I don't think she had a real job, most likely she was jut selling her body. She didn't care what happened to her, as long as she had her fix.
I started flipping through the channels hoping that American Horror Story was on. "Black Veil Brides.." said a female voice. I quickly flipped past the channel. Then after a moment of thinking, I flipped back.
A picture of the boys sat in the super right hand of the screen. Underneath it, in big bold white letters it states, "Black Veil Brides, ready to tour!" Next to the pretty ((and I'd like to point out)) blonde host, sat Jinxx and Andy.
"So how are you two getting along since the discover discovery that Faye Biersack, was actually Jinxx's kid?" Andy shifted uncomfortable."
"Honestly, we worked things out. I was really hurt in the beginning and took it out on someone who ment the world to me. I wish I could make it up to them..but I think it's too late for that."
I pulled on my sleeve as if Andy could see my new cuts through the screen. He'd be so disappointed if he knew. I pulled my knees up to my chest and laid my head on them. "What place are you guys most excited about going?"
At the same time Jinxx and Andy said, "Colorado." I was shocked. No way in hell I thought to myself. I got up quickly and grabbed my laptop. I went to the BVB website and started scanning the list of places the band would be touring. I gasped as my town sat on the list.
"Why Colorado?" I quickly turned my attention back to the screen. "Someone we both love very dearly lives there." Andy flashed his heart melting smile. Jinxx looked like he might cry.

--one month later--

Mom was yelling at me about something. I wasn't paying much attention. I was very focused on the bowl of cereal in front of me. "Faye are you even listening to me!?" I looked up at her.
Before I could blink her hand made contact with my cheek with enough force to snap my head to the side. I slowly turned back to face her. When these were just nightmares, I would force myself awake so I wouldn't have to see what happened next.
There was no waking up this time as she threw me to the ground. My hand moving to cover my stomach. Her foot came down on me over and over. By the time she was done, bruises covered my arms,my sides, and my legs.
After she left the room, I forced myself to sit up.
I winced then slowly forced myself into a standing position. Just keep going I thought to myself. Two more months and Andy will be here..

The day of the Black Veil Brides concert--
I sat on the couch my ticket clutched in my hand. I was debating on if I wanted to go. I wanted to see Andy but I couldn't bring myself to go. I didn't want to have to apply layers of make-up to hide the bruises.
I didn't want to have to sweat my ass off because I'm stuck in long sleeves to keep people from seeing the cuts. I closed my eyes and ripped the ticket in half. I ripped it again and again then let the pieces fall to the floor.
A knock startled me. I pulled on a hoodie. And fixed my hair and my hood to hide most of my bruises. I got up and answered the door. There stood Andy, in all of his god like glory. I stared at him. "Hey Faye." I nodded. "Can I come in?" I moved out of his way.
He walked and looked around. "The place looks nice." I smiled at him and looked away. Andy crossed the room in two strides and pulled my hood down. I refused to meet his eyes. "Did she do this?" I remain quiet. "Take the hoodie off." He demanded. I shook my head. He growled then forced it off.
He stared in horror at the ugly red lines on my arms. Every inch of my arm had either a bruise or a cut. He gently cupped my face. "I'm so sorry Faye." His lips gently met mine. He pulled away as tears began to fall. "Faye..I love you. Let me take you away from all this. Mary me?

I stared at him my mouth hanging open. When I finally pulled myself together the first thing that came out of ny my mouth was, "Are you fucking crazy?" His smile faltered. "You think you can walk up here and give me one of those smiles and I'll come crawling back! What the fuck is wrong with you? I haven heard from you in two months. You abandoned me in that damn courtroom. then about three hours later were fucking some bitch. The last time we talked you were wasted!"
He looked down, as if ashamed. "Where have you been when I needed you? I think it's best you leave Andrew. " He opened his mouth to speak, then closed it. He opened it again then closed it again. He ran his finger through his hair and growled in frustration. "I know what I did was wrong Faye. Let me make it up to you. Go on tour with me."
I juggled the thought around in my head. Mental making a pro's and con list.

Time with AndyGetting to see new placesJinxx and CCGetting away from my momCons:
Ashley and JakeGives Andy another chance to hurt meI decided I'd take my chances then be stuck here with my mom. "Fine, you have until the end of tour." Andy beamed. "Hurry and go get your stuff, I have a concert to get to." I rolled my eyes, but did as I was told.

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