Chapter 7

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I woke as the bed shifted and Andy kissed my head. I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him into the bed with me. He chuckled. "Come on sleepy head, time to face the day." "No." I said, lying my head on his chest. "Get up" He whispered. I shook my head against his chest. "If i make dinner and put Batman on will you get up?" I thought for a minute then nodded my head. He chuckled.
"Be out of bed before i get back." He scolded then took off to the kitchen. I pulled the covers over my head and went back to sleep. That got rid of him.
About an hour later my eyes snapped open as Andy's hand smacked my ass. "OW!" I snarled and turned around glaring at him. "I told you to be up." He said. I stuck my tongue out at him and he lunged at me. I jumped up and squealed. My dad laughed as he chased my around his room. He eventually cornered me.
I smiled up at him. He rested his forehead against mine. "I love you." He whispered. I kissed him gently. "Love you too daddy." He smiled placed his hands on my waist. He lifted my up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He carried me out of the room and sat me on the couch. There was a plate of spaghetti in front of me. I ignored it as Andy sat beside me and wrapped an arm around my shoulders and kissed the top of my head. We sat like that for thirty minutes than the doorbell rang. "I'll get it." I said kissing his cheek before walking to the door. I unlocked it and swung it open. My eyes widened in horror. My worst nightmare stood on the other side of the screen door. "Hello Faye." She said smiling sweetly at me. I screamed

Dad walked up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder. "Hello Angie." He said coldly. "Andrew." She nodded politely. "What the fuck are you doing here?" He snared at her. "well...I..I'm here for Faye." I shook my head and turned to run, but my dad's hand kept me there. "And what makes you even think you're fit to be a parent?"
She shifted then dug through her purse and handed my dad some papers. "Look Andrew, I know i was a bad mother before , but I've done everything the court required to be able to get her back." I hated how they talked as if i wasn't there, but I kept quite so I could stay for the rest of the conversation. "All these papers tell me, is that she can go live with you not that I have to give her to you. He stuck the papers out for her to take.
I took a deep breath. "Dad, i don't want to go back..please." He seemed to notice me for the first time. "Go to your room." Was hes only response. I moved out of the way and he stepped out on the porch with my mom. This cant be happening. I thought to myself as I walked slowly to my room.
About an hour later, dad came in and ran a hand through his hair. He sat on the edge of my bed and placed his head in his hands. "Why the fuck did I ever marry that bitch?" He whispered more to himself than me. "What is it daddy?" "Shes taking us to court."

I stared at my dad. "are you joking?" I whispered. "Faye..." He started. I put my head in my hands and sobs racked my body. "i cant go back! Daddy please!" He grabbed me and pulled me into his chest. He started rocking me as i sobbed. "Its o...." He began. "Don't you fucking dare say its okay." I snapped. He continued to rock me in his arms. "We'll get through this Faye. Me and you, princess." "Forever?" I whispered. "Forever." He whispered back.

-one week later-
Dad had been busy with work. I barley saw him and when i did there wasn't much of a conversation. He'd kiss me then head to bed. He was so exhausted. It seemed he didn't have time for me. I found myself withdrawing from him.
When i woke from my nightmares, which had come back more intense since my moms visit, I wouldn't run to my dad. I sat in bed and let the tears roll down my cheeks. I hadn't talked to Jeffery in weeks, even though hes been blowing up my phone. I just don't want to talk. I was stress out about the court date, it was two weeks away.
That night when dad came home from the studio, I could hear him stumbling around and laughing. Oh great, he was drunk. I shook my head and got up. I opened my bedroom door and stuck my head out. "Daddy?" i called out. He appeared in the hall. "Hey baby." He slurred and made his way to me. And by made his way to me, i mean he stumbled around then fell into me nearly knocking us to the ground.
I wrapped my arms around him and he kissed me sloppily. He tasted nasty like stale cigarettes and beer. He smelt just as bad. I managed not to gag. "Come on daddy, lets go to bed." I said and started walking him to his room. "you gonna show daddy a good time?" I rolled my eyes and opened his door. I walked him to the bed and sat him down. He flopped on the bed and grinned goofly.
I bent down and unlaced his boots.They slid off his feet with ease. I then undid his belt and slipped it off. I went to the closet and set his boots down then hung his belt.On my way back i grabbed his batman sleep pants.I then undid his jeans. "You're such a good girl." He mumbled as I pulled them and his socks off. I helped him set up and pulled off his jacket and his shirt. I threw all his dirty clothes in the corner.
I helped him slip into his pj bottom then helped move him so he was lying against the pillows. I kissed his forehead. I turned to leave. "Stay princess." He whispered. He sounded so sad. I crawled in bed next to him. He wrapped an arm around me and pulled me close. "Forever." I whispered

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