Chapter 11

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"Dad will you zip me up?" I asked. He stopped messing with his tie and came to help me. After he'd zipped the dress up I turned an fixed his tie for me. I smiled as he leaned down. His lips brushed mine. "I love you Faye." He mumbled. "I love you too daddy." I kissed him then moved away to put on my

high heels. I didn't feel as nervous about this as i thought i would.

I know that it was wishful thinking but i hoped that my moms text meant she was giving up. If i had know how horribly wrong i was, i would have never went that day.

--at court--
Things were going very well for us. At least that's what Dad's lawyer had said. I beamed at my dad. He shook his head and motioned for me to pay attention. My mom's lawyer stood, "We would like to call Angie Bird to the stand." My dad looked at his lawyer confused. The lawyer shrugged.
"So Ms. Bird will you please tell us what was your relationship like with Mr. Biersack?" My mom looked uncomfortable.
"Honestly, I wasn't a good wife. I cheated on Andy a lot. Both before and after we were married." The lawyer nodded. "And when you found out you were pregnant, had you been having intercourse with anyone besides Mr. Biersack?" My mom looked directly at my dad. "I had sex with one other man, it was before me and Andy had ever slept together." "When did you find out that you were pregnant with Faye?" The lawyer gave us a wicked smirk. "August 6th" My mom answered without hesitation. "And when did you have intercourse with Mr. Biersack for the first time?" The lawyer turned back to my mom. "August 7th..." My breath caught in my throat. The lawyer looked at the judge. "Permission to approach the judge?" "Permission granted." The lawyer walked to the judge and handed him an envelope. "In this envelope, you will find a genetic test preformed two weeks after the child was born. The results show that Andrew Biersack isn't the father, A Mr. Jeremy Ferguson is." I stood up abruptly, my chair crashing to the ground. I turned to see Jinxx sitting in the crowd looking ashamed. He knew about this.

The court had ruled me over to my mother. I stared blankly ahead. Andy stood up. I turned to look at him. "dad.." "DONT CALL ME THAT!" He whirled on me. What? I was taken back. "You are NOT my daughter. You mean nothing to me!" I could feel people staring at us. "I gave up everything because of you. For my 'daughter'! I gave that rock star life, the partying, my relationship with Jake and Ashley for a fucking nobody."
I reached for him. "You're just upset.." He moved away from me. "Fuck you Faye. I hope she beats you to death this time." He left me standing there, staring after him. Jinxx slowly approached me. "Faye..I.." "You knew." Tears began to fall down my cheeks. "This entire fucking time you let us believe that we were related. You had so many chances to own up to it and you just left me with another man to care for me. You let me believe that i was in love with my own dad." I felt my mom come to stand behind me. "" I shook my head and left them standing there. I was tired of everyone leaving. This time it was my turn.
As soon as i got out of that court room, I ran. I ran fast and hard. I didn't really pay attention to where i was going, but my feet knew where to take me. I found myself standing in front of Jeffery's house. I knocked on the door. He answered, wearing nothing but sweatpants. "Faye?" I fell into him sobbing uncontrollably. His arms wrapped around me as we sank to the floor. "Faye whats going on?"

--time skip--

I stared blankly at the tv in front of me. After everything that had happened came spilling out, Jeffery had carried me to the couch. He tried to put in Batman, but after realizing that was a bad idea put in Superman. He came in from the kitchen, carrying a french vanilla cappuccino in his hands. He set it down on the table than sat next to me. "Faye look at me." He mumbled. I turned to look at him. "Why do we fall?" A smile found its way to my lips. "So we can learn to pick ourselves back up." I said, finishing my favorite quote from batman. I flung my arms around him and hugged him tightly. "I don't know what i would do without you." I whispered in his ear.
After about an hour, someone started knocking on the door. Jeffery answered the door than called for me.In the door stood Jinxx. "Come on, Faye." He said. I kissed Jeffery's cheek. "Thank you, for everything."
I got in the passenger side of the car. Jinxx got in. "Faye..I want to talk to you being your dad." I thought about it then nodded. "Okay." I whispered. "You're mom and Andy had been struggling for along time. One night, Andy and your mom got into a really big fight, so i took her out. You're mom was this crazy party animal! i mean you should have seen her..." He looked over at me nervously. "But anyway, i decided to take her back to my place for some shots. I hadn't planed for anything to happen, but the more we drank...I just...i couldn't help myself. I regretted it the next day and we swore we'd never talk about it again. She contacted me two weeks later to tell me she was pregnant. She told me about her plan and i went along with it. For all i knew it wasn't my kid anyway."
"Then after you were born, she wanted to know for sure who the father was, she knew it wasn't Andy's but she wanted to know if it was really me. So I showed up and took the test and..when i saw you. I knew you were mine. And I fell in love with you. But i wasn't ready for a kid so I agreed to not tell Andy or you anything. When i finally decided i wanted you..i couldn't bring myself to rip you two apart. You'd grown so close...I couldn't ruin that. So i let you go."
"You can hate me all you want Faye but i thought it was what was best for you." I smiled at him. I leaned across the seat and kissed his cheek.
It was time to learn to pick myself back up, and to start, i needed to forgive my dad.

--time skip--

I walked into Andy's house, moans echoed off the walls. I felt tears begin to fall down my face. Jinxx placed a hand on my shoulder and smiled. We quietly packed up all my stuff. I froze when i heard Andy's door open. He leaned against my door frame and stared at me and Jinxx. "Will you fuck him too you little slut?" He snarled. I didn't respond, just kept packing. I zipped it up then stood. I walked over to Andy and stared him in the eye. "I have fallen in love with a monster. All he did was use me and break me. Hard to believe he was the one who i built my world around. The one i would give anything. He turned out to be a cheat." I grabbed my stuff and pushed past him.
I turned. "I'm the slut. I've only slept with one man. Look at you, a new blond every week." I walked out the door. I waited in the car for Jinxx.
"im proud of you" he said as climbed into the car. I flipped Andy the bird as we drove off. "We're off to the airport." He said looking at me out of the corner of his eye. "How do you feel?" "I want to get as far from here as possible."

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