That Awkward Moment When...

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Ross's POV:


What the HELL was Ratliff doing here?!

"'s like almost 1am, we were worried..I used your 'Find My iPhone' app to find you. And..I found you.."

Oh my god.

"Uh. Yeah. This is..Dustin. My-"

"Boyfriend? God Ross, you're full of surprises aren't ya?"

He seemed irritated. Not mad. Not upset...not even confused..but..hurt?

I looked at Dustin. He was staring at the fire, then looked up at Ratliff and grabbed my hand.

"Problem here, Ratliff?" He said, in a stern voice.

", just shocked".

"PLEASE DONT TELL ANYONE!" I said, much louder than anticipated.

He sighed. That was weird.

"I won't Ross. back soon will ya?"

"Sure buddy. I'll be back soon" and with that, Ratliff trotted down the exterior hallway to the street, and turned the corner.

"Well. Whatta cock block!" Dustin said, laughing. His light-heartedness cheered me up immediately. I loved that about him.

Whoa. Wait love? I just love that feature of him. Yeah..that's it..

Dustin stood up and grabbed my hand. We walked to the valet who had already brought his car up.

"So Rossy..hotel, or my place? Nothing sexual..but we could hang out more. Your choice".

My face lit up like a Christmas tree. That seems to happen a lot with this boy.

And without much thought..


He smiled, put the car in drive, and pulled away from the curb.

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