Crossroads of Destiny:The Heavenly Demon Route

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PS: you should listen this with daylight -David Kushner as I find Izuku's journey very similar to the lyrics of this song, and at the end, there is what I find similar, and when in the story

High above the city, Stain perched atop a building, gazing down at the bustling streets below. His crimson scarf billowed in the wind as he muttered to himself, his voice carrying an eerie determination, "You guys haven't even noticed this warped society covered with hypocrisy and vanity. To all who are called heroes... I will make you notice."

Down in the alley, Kuroguri,had been tracking Stain for some time. With his own motives, he sought an audience with the infamous Hero Killer. He cautiously approached the rooftop where Stain sat, keeping his distance.

"Please stay calm," Kesoguri called out, his voice firm but respectful. "We are of the same mind. I have been looking for you, I have heard of your notoriety and wanted to meet you. May I have a moment of your time?"

Stain's piercing red eyes locked onto Kesoguri as the latter spoke his name. In an instant, the Hero Killer, Stain, had his sword drawn and pointed directly at Kesoguri, his intent clear. His posture was that of a predator ready to strike.

Kesoguri remained composed despite the sword aimed at him, fully aware of the danger he was in. He knew that this encounter could turn deadly if not handled with extreme care.Stain stood before Shigaraki, his eyes locked onto the young villain with an intensity that seemed to pierce through his very soul. The ruins of the UA attack were evident in the backdrop, a grim reminder of the chaos that had unfolded.

"Now I get it," Stain spoke, his voice dripping with disdain. His words carried the weight of his unwavering convictions, and his gaze bore into Shigaraki like a blade. "You must be the ones who attacked UA. And you wanna recruit me to build up your little group."

Shigaraki, his hands still covered by his eerie mask, grinned beneath it, though it was a grin tinged with a hint of arrogance. "Yeah," he replied casually, the nonchalance in his voice contrasting sharply with Stain's seriousness. "It'll be great, you've got so much experience."Stain's gaze remained unyielding, his eyes locked onto Shigaraki's as if trying to discern the true nature of the man before him. "And what's your mission?" he demanded, his voice tinged with a sense of urgency, as if he could hardly wait to hear the answer.

For a moment, Shigaraki's tone grew darker, a shadow falling over his face. "For now? I really just wanna kill All Might," he confessed with a chilling nonchalance. "I like to destroy anything that pisses me off. Like this little brat here." He casually showed a picture of Izuku, his finger pointed menacingly at the image.

Stain's expression hardened further, his brows furrowing deeply. "I was a fool to think you could offer me anything," he declared, his voice filled with a mix of disappointment and anger. As he spoke, he began to draw his sword, the blade gleaming ominously in the dim light of the hideout. "It turns out, you're the type of person I hate most in this world."

Kurogiri, the misty figure who had brought Stain to this encounter, spoke up, his voice tinged with a sense of regret. "The Hero Killer Stain. Tomura Shigaraki cares only about wanton violence, so we brought this man in to guide him. Perhaps we made a mistake."

Within the shadows, the mastermind behind this operation, hidden from view, contemplated the situation with a profound sense of responsibility. "Master. Should I step in?" Kurogiri inquired, his concern evident as he saw Stain draw his sword.

The master's voice was calm but filled with wisdom, as if carrying the weight of countless experiences. "Let it happen," the master replied, the decision made after careful consideration. "It's possible this is the only way he'll learn anything. He needs to think about the ways he must grow. How he can mature. Only then will he reach his potential."

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