Chapter 2

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I woke up in my bed. Stefan must have carried me upstairs last night. I could smell something good coming from downstairs. I walked downstairs and saw Stefan in his boxers.

He was making pancakes. He was listening to ice ice baby. I sat at the table. He turned off the stove and brought his pancakes to the table. "Good morning Elena." He said. "Good morning." I said.

He started eating his pancakes. "Why didn't you make me any?" I asked. "Do you want some?" He asked. "Yes." I said. He got a plate and gave me two of his pancakes.

"Thanks." I said. "Anytime." He said. "Do you want to go to my friends house today?" I asked. "Is she single?" He asked. "Stefan! She is engaged." I said. I continued eating my pancakes.

"Are you engaged?" He asked. "I was but then he left me." I said. "Who would leave a girl like you?" He asked. I laughed and put my plate in the dishwasher.

"We have to get dressed if we are going to Caroline's house." I said. "Can we go tomorrow." He said. "Fine. Caroline thinks you're a baby because Damon told everyone your a baby." I said.

"Does everyone think I'm a baby?" He asked. "Yes." I said. I went over to the couch and sat on it. He sat by me. He was still in his boxers.

"How old are you?" I asked. "21." He said. "I'm 20." I said. I got off the couch. "Where are you going?" He asked. "I'm going swimming." I said.

He got off of the couch and followed me. I went upstairs and put a bathing suit on. We went outside to the pool. "Why didn't you put on swimming trunks?" I asked. "Because I don't need them." He said with a smirk.

He pulled down his boxers. "Oh my god!" I said. I covered my eyes. He got in the pool. I uncovered my eyes and got in the pool. "Put clothes on." I said.

"No." He said. "Fine." I said. He started swimming towards me. I tried to swim away from him but he grabbed me. He picked me up and dunked me under the water.

He brought me back up. I got away from him and dunked him. When he came back up from the water his hair was covering his face. I laughed at him.

He tried to dunk me again. "Stefan stop." I said. "Fine." He said. I got away from him and climbed out of the pool. He got out of the pool and he was naked.

I covered my eyes and tossed him a towel. "Can you please put on some clothes?" I asked. "Hold on." He said. He dried himself off and wrapped the towel around his waist.

I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around me. I went inside the house and he followed me. I went upstairs and took off my bathing suit. I got in the shower. After I was done showering I got dressed.

I knocked on Stefan's door. "Stefan I'm going to the mall." I said. He opened the door and he was naked. I immediately covered my eyes. "Stefan why are you naked?" I asked. "Because I just got out of the shower." He said.

"You could at least wrap a towel around you." I said. "Can I go to the mall with you?" He asked. "Fine but get dressed." I said. I walked downstairs as he got dressed.

I sat on the couch. He came down the stairs. "Let's go." He said. I got up from the couch and we went out the door.

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