Chapter 8

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Matt left and I was still in Elena's room. She had the sheets wrapped around her body. All I want to do is pull the sheets off her body but I controlled myself.

"Get out of my room." She said. "I'm sorry." I said. "Why did you punch him?" She asked. "He punched me first." I said. "Well you were kind of being a dick." She said.

"I don't want you to see him again." I said. "He's my fiancé Stefan." She said. "But he left you." I said. "He said it was a mistake." She said.

"Please don't see him again." I said. "I can't promise that." She said. "Can I stay in here tonight?" I asked. "Stefan I don't know. I'm with Matt now." She said.

"He's not good for you." I said. "Stefan I love him." She said. "Please don't get back together with him." I said. "I'll think about it." She said.

"Well can I sleep in here?" I asked. "Fine Stefan." She said. I took off my shirt and my pants. She wrapped the sheets around her body and got off the bed.

She went through her dresser and grabbed a shirt. "If you stay naked I will get naked." I said. She put the shirt back in her dresser and laid back on the bed.

I pulled my boxers down and watched her look at my body. I got on the bed with her. I laid beside her. "What about Matt?" She asked.

"Forget about him. He left you." I said. "Stefan I still love him. He is my fiancé." She said. "I can make you forget about him." I said with a smirk.

"I'm not having sex." She said. "We are already naked in the bed." I said. "Ok I'm going to bed, goodnight." She said. She rolled over and I kissed her shoulder.

"Goodnight." I said. "Don't kiss me again." She said. I kissed her shoulder again. "Stop that." She said. "Fine." I said. I stared at the ceiling for a while.

Elena was already asleep. I put my head on her chest and cuddled next to her. I eventually fell asleep.


I woke up and felt something on my chest. Stefan's head was on my chest. He looked so cute when he was asleep. I was watching him sleep.

"Good morning." He said with his eyes still closed. "How did you know I was up?" I asked. "I could feel you staring at me." He said. "Oh." Was all I said.

He still had his head on my chest. The covers were wrapped around us. "Can we lay in bed all day?" He asked. "I have nothing to do today so we can." I said.

"Ok." He said with a smile. He grabbed the blanket that was covering my naked body. He pulled it down revealing my breasts. He smirked at me.

He put his head back on my naked chest and closed his eyes. I closed my eyes and tried to go back to sleep. He fell back to sleep and then I did.

When I woke up Stefan wasn't in my bed. Then the door opened and he had some breakfast. He had a plate of bacon and pancakes in his hand.

Matt never did this to me and he is my fiancé. Im not even dating Stefan and he cooked me breakfast. "Here you go." Stefan said. He was still naked.

"Thanks." I said with a smile. He got back on the bed. He sat by me. I started eating my food. Stefan took a piece of bacon and ate it. After I was done eating we just laid by each other.

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