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— Rosé POV —

Everyone had been gone for a while and I just got back from the store with all the ingredients for tonight's dinner. I decided to go with a classic steak and pasta. I already knew Jisoo and Lisa love it, I hope Jennie will too.

As I started cooking my mind wandered to Lisa. She looked very uneasy before leaving earlier. She's usually always very giddy and cheerful, I've only ever seen this look once before. This can only mean she was going to see Diana.

Lisa and I have been friends for a long time now. She never needed to tell me how she felt, I just knew. It was always the two of us all throughout high school. We met Jisoo when she was a senior and we were sophomores.

When we all realized we wanted to go to the same school, we quickly made plans to get a place together. Jisoo had this place waiting for us as soon as we graduated. The three of us have been inseparable ever since.

Lisa's break up was very hard on her. Even when she left to Thailand, I would still get drunk phone calls every other day. I hated that she turned to alcohol but there wasn't much I could do to stop her from here.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard the door open and Jisoo walked in along with Jennie.

"Hey guys, you're right on time, dinner is almost ready," I said as I finished cooking the last of the steaks.

"Can I help set the table?" Jennie asked while getting the plates.

I liked her. As soon as she walked in, I could not believe we scored such a pretty roommate. Compared to our last one, Jennie was definitely an upgrade. I know it's probably too soon to tell but there was something about her that just screams genuine. I know her and I are going to get along well.

"Still no Lisa?" The older girl asked when the young one was no where in sight.

"No, i'm starting to get worried. Should we text her?" I asked Jisoo while I got my phone. It had now been four hours since she left. And if she went where I think she did, who knows where she could be.

"You know she hates when we baby her. She'll be back, let's just eat." Jisoo replied. She wasn't wrong, there were several times when Jisoo and I went overboard with our protectiveness. Lisa always complained that we babied her but sometimes it was necessary. This felt like one of those times.

I turn around and address the third girl in the room, "I think Lisa will be back soon but we can start without her."

"I actually saw her earlier. She was arguing with some girl. She seemed pretty upset." Jennie told us not knowing the weight her words carried.

I was right.

Jisoo and I look at each other in shock. We knew Lisa is not one to fight let alone argue in public. Knowing Diana and how dramatic she can get, it probably got intense.

"Did you see where she went after?" Jisoo asked realizing what this could mean. Now she was worried.

"No, Kuma started barking at another dog and when I turned around after picking him up Lisa was gone" Jennie read the room and now looked worried as well, "She left her friend behind looking pretty upset too."

I let out a sarcastic laugh.

"Friend? That's not her friend. That was most likely her ex girlfriend Diana." I rolled my eyes as her name left my mouth leaving a bitter taste. I don't hate a lot of people, but after what she did to Lisa, she's definitely one of them.

"They broke up last month and Lisa took it pretty bad. Lisa went back home to Thailand and made Diana move out," Jisoo explained while attempting to eat.

"Lisa was a mess before she left. I don't blame her though, I would also fall apart if my girlfriend of five years cheated on me. Not just with anyone..... with my best friend" I start to get emotional and I feel my eyes getting watery.

Jennie looked deep in though and wore a really sad expression. She must've gotten emotional too because I could see her eyes watering from across the table.

"Well wherever she is, I'm sure she's okay. I'll text her after we finish," Jisoo chimed in desperately trying to change the subject, she hated getting emotional, "which by the way is delicious Rosie. You outdid yourself."

"She's right! It's amazing Rosé thank you, you'll have to let me cook next time," Jennie wiped her eyes and smiled.

The night went on and still no word from Lisa. It wasn't until I heard my phone get a text from Somi.



Sorry I know it's late but can you open the door? Idk where Lisa's key is

I rush towards the door and see an extremely drunk Lisa leaning on poor Somi.

"Hi, I'm sorry did I wake you?" Somi said with an apologetic look on her face and out of breath.

"It's okay, I was up. How much did she drink?" I helped Somi get Lisa inside.

"I'm not too sure. She was already pretty drunk when I bumped into her at the bar. She was alone so I stayed with her after she told me what happened. I had to make sure she got home"

We set lisa on my bed. I thought that was better than her being a mess and waking up Jennie too.

"Thanks for bringing her Somi," I said with a grateful tone as we both took in Lisa's appearance.

"She'd do it for me," Somi paused, "Well I better get going. My classes start way too early. See ya in class tomorrow"

I walked Somi out and thanked her again.

Just as I predicted, Lisa was a mess. When i walked back into the room she was no where to be seen.

"Lisa?" I called out.

"In here....." Lisa weakly called out and I heard her throw up.

I open the door immediately and hold her hair back.

"I take your talk with Diana didn't go well?"

"What do you mean? Those were all celebratory drinks" Lisa tried joking and failed miserably. If anyone knew what she was really thinking, it was me.

"You didn't think you'd still be this sad?"

The younger girl sighed and tears started to fall from her pretty eyes.

"Oh Lisa, come here," I hugged her and just let her cry. I wanted to be here for her. She needed to know she wasn't alone and she didn't need to hide her feelings, not from me. I wanted to make up for all the nights I couldn't be there for her before.

Lisa finally let go. She was feeling all her emotions at once and I made sure she knew I was there to catch her.

"Let's get you to bed, cmon" I whispered helping her up. She was able to get herself changed and laid down.

We said goodnight and silence fell among us.

My eyes started feeling heavy and I eventually gave in to my sleep. I felt myself drifting off to the sound of Lisa's silent muffled sobs.


:((((((( Lisa.....

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