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It has been two weeks since break and everyone was back. Including Lisa.

She was spending less time with her "situationships" and more time home. When Rosie asked her why she said it was because she needed to focus on finals and projects.

I was glad she was home more often now. I wasn't kidding when I said I missed her. Things were a lot better now. Well, kind of, Lisa and I haven't gotten the chance to go into more detail about our deal.

To be honest, I have given it a lot of thought. Lisa coming with me to Korea was a no brainer. Selfishly, I would rather her be with me than with those girls. It was the other end of the deal that made me nervous.

She offering to help me kiss. Really she was offering to teach me how to kiss. Something about that made me extremely nervous. If it was any other person it wouldn't matter. I feel like I could do it. But it's Lisa, and to me she's not just any other person.

I like her, LIKE like her. And because of my feelings, if I agreed, I would feel extremely guilty because I also really like Tae. He has been nothing but kind and sweet, not to mention patient. I would hate to take advantage of him like that.

Lisa has made it clear that she's not looking for anything serious at the moment. I'm not even sure what I would even want from her. Would I be okay if we were to be just a casual thing? I wasn't too fond of the idea of being added to her list of people she hooks up with.

IF I did this with Lisa, I'd have to completely detach myself and not get my feelings involved.

I can do that, right?

I'll just have to keep it strictly business.

I definitely need to talk to her about this though. All this thinking was going to drive me crazy.

As soon as class was over I made my way towards the apartment in hopes finding the younger girl there. I was a bit disappointed when I walked in, it was too quiet which was usually a sign that no one was home.

Other days there was music playing or someone was in the living room watching a movies but today? Nothing.

I grabbed a cold water and went to my room. I was typing a text on my phone when I  spotted Lisa once the door was fully open. She was changing. This was happening way too often now.

"Hey! Oh- sorry, I- would've knocked but I didn't think anyone was here," I stumbled on my words and turned to face the door.

"It's alright," Lisa chuckled, "I'm all done"

I turned around and was now faced with the girl I've been meaning to talk to.

"Did you need something?"

I wasn't moving from my spot. Suddenly there were no thoughts in my mind, just nerves.

I took a deep breath and moved to sit on my bed with Kuma making himself comfortable on my lap and Leo making his way over too.

"Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about..."

"Oh! I've actually been meaning to talk to you too"

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