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It happened. My first kiss.

It was now the next morning and I fell asleep thinking about that kiss.

Lisa was still deep in her sleep, she didn't even flinch when I climbed over her to get off the bed just now.

I quietly walked into the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror. I blush at the sight.

My face is flush and my lips are fuller than usual, swollen almost.

I touch my lips and memories of last nights kiss come flooding in.


"Hi," Lisa starts moving closer. I'm scared if she gets any closer she'll be able to hear how fast my heart is beating.

"Hi." I reply.

Can she tell how nervous I am?

As if she can read my mind Lisa grabs my hand and gently holds it.

Is this how that's supposed to feel?

I look up at Lisa.

"Is this okay?" she asks me with the warmest smile.

It's definitely more than okay. Lisa has always made me feel comfortable and safe.

The feeling of my anxiety rushing through my body combined with the way Lisa is looking at me right now, I am unable to speak any words.

So I just nod.

Lisa cups my face. Her hand feeling cold against my flushed skin.

"You know we can stop whenever you want right?" Lisa spoke again, "Tell me if it's too much and I'll stop."

This is actually happening.

"Okay." was the last thing I hear her say and I close my eyes because it's all too much.

The way Lisa is holding me is too much.

How she is looking at me right now is just too much.

The way my skin is melting against her touch while she pulled me closer, it's too much.

Is it the nerves of being kissed?

Or is it the fact that it's Lisa who will kiss me?

The anticipation was killing me, I know she's being hesitant, so I squeezed her hand so she knew I was ready.

I hold my breath and the world stops around us.

Lisa's lips feels soft and warm against mine. I could feel the faint breath coming from her nose on mine and the tightness of her grip on me.

The kiss was immovable.

We never established how far we'd go on the first try.

To be honest, I don't know how far I was willing to let it go.

As if on cue, Lisa pulled back and kissed me again, a little softer this time.

"Part your lips," I nod.

Lisa's lips molded against mine and moved expertly. I tried my best to follow along and keep up.

"Mmm, slow down."

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