Chapter 5

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When Umber stepped in the cave with Moon where Ostrich was asking one of the guardians to stop, Umber was horrified on what Kestrel was doing, she was tying Anemone to a large stalactite with chains! "Why are you doing this?" Ostrich yelled, with Morrowseer tying his tail tightly around Ostrich. "If anyone can save the world it's Anemone!" Ostrich yelled. "Well, more or less," Kinkajou muttered under her breath. Anemone heard it and glared at Kinkajou, Kinkajou just rolled her eyes, Kestrel looked at the chains, opened her mouth, and fire came out, when it did, the chains melted and were infused into the stalactite. "Actually, SandWing, the one you should follow is Moonwatcher over there," Morrowseer said, "NightWings are natural leaders," he said flexing his claws. "You'll regret this! When my family hears how you treated us-- "All your big dreams about your wonderful family," Kestrel interrupted Anemone, "nobody cares about you, when it's time to fulfill the prophecy, you'll be alive, and the Talons of peace will have you, and that's all that matters." Morrowseer put Ostrich down. "I'll be back tomorrow," he said, "to make sure everything has been. . ." he trailed off for a few seconds, "dealt with." "We understand," Kestrel said. And Morrowseer left the cave within seconds.

Switched dragonets AU | #1 | The Dragonet ProphecyWhere stories live. Discover now