Chapter 9

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As Umber went deeper in the river, he saw a patch. There, that dark patch, that's the way out, Umber thought. When he got closer to the hole, he noticed it was a bit small. It's do small! Umber tthought. Umber swam back up to the surface for a few seconds and went back underwater, when he saw the hole, he didn't panic or hesitate to go through, he went to the hole, and kept trying to squeeze through. Don't panic, don't panic, don't- then, Umber barely squeezed through the hole, when Umber squeezed through, there was a long, small, tunnel. It's so tight! Could I even turn around if I wanted to? Umber thought, but I don't want to. As Umber went more into the tunnel it got colder. Cold cold cold cold cold! Umber thought. Then, Umber hit a wall when the tunnel got tighter. Ow! Umber thought. And he went deeper in. How long have I gone? He thought, I don't think I've ever held my breath this long! Umber thought again, Don't panic! Hey, am I going up? When Umber finally got to the surface, he gasped for air. Every part of me hurts, Umber thought, what's that sound? His eyes widened. Waterfall! Umber thought, afraid. He started to stand up on the rock he was clutching on. "I'll have to approach the waterfall slowly and care- suddenly a huge wave hit umber and he nearly went off the cliff. Ahhh! Umber yelled, don't panic don't panic don't- "watch out Umber! You might stub a claw!" Said a clear, high-pitched voice. It was a female SeaWing dragonet, she had pale blue and white-pink scales, like the inside of a shell, with hints of light pink along her wings, ears, and horns, she had pearly, tiny, pale, pink-tinted wings with patterns of webbed talonprints patterning her underside, she had a clear, high-pitched voice, from afar appeared a pale, odd, whitish-pinkish-blue-gray dragonet, she also had large, light blue eyes and tiny, light talonprints, and she was about the same size as Kinkajou, it was Anemone! "Whatever you do, don't let go!" Anemone yelled. "Haha, C'mon, the exits this way," Anemone said. "How did you get here?" Umber asked. "When Ostrich and Moon breathed fire on my chains at the same time, they broke, so I came after you. . . I guess I swim faster than you do," Anemone explained. Then, Umber looked at the night. "Umber? Are you alright?" Anemone worried. "Oh Anemone, just look at it," Umber said. And the two went flying in the night.. "I wonder how far it is from the ocean. . ." Anemone wondered. "Mud!" Umber said excitedly. He dove into the nice, squelchy, mud. "This. Is. Amazing!" Umber said, "I've never been this warm, it's all between my scales, ahhh, my claws aren't sore, I'm not itchy! I love it, I love mud I'm staying here forever." "You think I'll feel like that about the sea?" Anemone asked. "Definitely!" Umber said. Suddenly, they heard a crashing sound. "That can't be good," Anemone said.

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