Chapter 16

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"You were amazing today! I mean, I feel bad that poor Fgord had to die, but still, you did amazing on your first battle!" Sky said. What happened? Umber thought. "I have no idea what you did I was looking at the prisoners and then suddenly- that was scarier than me, how did you do that?" Sky asked, "you don't have to tell me, in case you have to do it to me, you probably will, I never thought about what it might be like for prisoners, watching me kill other dragons, but I saw that- and now I'm thinking, that's going to happen to me, so, but still amazing." "Stop, Sky, it wasn't me," Umber said. "It's alright, I'd keep it secret too," I mean, I would never use it on animals or dragons, not even scavengers! Are you okay?" Sky asked. "My wings a little stiff," Umber said. Umber then lifted his wing, and Sky looked shocked a bit. "It can't be that bad, I've been hurt before," Umber said. "Not by an IceWing I bet," Sky said. Sky then got closer to the wound. "It feels better with you near it, your heat, I mean," Umber said. "Oh! I know what to get, wait here," Sky said, and flew away. Because I was going to go? Where? For a walk? Umber thought. A few minutes later, Sky came back, with a bucket of. . . Something. "This will heal you, spread you wing," Sky said. As Umber started to spread his wing, Umber looked more into the bucket, it looked like mud. "Is that mud?" Umber asked. "It heals MudWings, I don't know why I didn't think of it before," Sky said. "What are you doing?" Umber asked. "I can't rub it on you, you'd burn up," Sky said. "Oh, right," Umber said. "Have you ever thought about leaving?" Umber asked. "I'm not aloud, I've never been outside the sky kingdom," Sky said. 'Why not? You must be the most powerful dragon here," Umber pointed out. "I would never disobey her majesty!" Sky said, "besides, I have to eat the black rocks everyday or I'll die." "Black rocks?" Umber asked. "It's part of the curse of having to much fire," Sky said. "Have you ever tried not eating them?" Umber asked. "Once, when I was a lot younger, I got mad at her majesty because she wouldn't tell me anything about my mother, so I stopped eating them and I got sick, like, dying sick," Sky said, "Queen Scarlet cares enough for me to keep me alive, my mother didn't."

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