Chapter 17

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The next day, Sky suddenly flew to Umber pretty fast. "Quick, spread your wings! I don't want anyone to see me!" Sky said quietly. "Waa-? What, why?" Umber asked. "They're having a trial, and Queen Scarlet said I wasn't allowed to watch! I never go to the trials, they're boring, so why would she tell me I can't go?" Sky asked, "something's going on, and I want to see what it is." "Okay Sky, I'll help you," Umber said. "Oh, I found your SandWing," Sky said. "Ostrich!" "Where is she?" Umber asked. "She's somewhere over there," Sky said pointing to the pillars infront of Umber. "Are you sure someone won't be looking for you?" Umber asked. "No, today I'm supposed to be down in the caves looking for black rocks," Sky said. "Why does Queen Scarlet bother with trials?" Umber asked. "She likes the drama of them," Sky said. "They're starting!" Sky said. There were three SkyWings, an old one, Queen Scarlet, and a adult SkyWing. "That's Vermillion, Queen Scarlet's oldest son, he always argues for the prosecution," Sky said. "You look particularly deadly today, your majesty," Vermillion said. "Yes, yes, I know I do," Scarlet said. "And the old one's Osprey, he lost his wings in the war, he's my friend, but he talks like a scroll," Sky said. "Where's our defendant? Someone fetch her!" Scarlet yelled. Then, out came a familiar SkyWing. "Kestrel!" Umber said. "You know her?" Sky asked. "She's one of the dragons who raised us, they didn't like us much, but they kept us alive," Umber said. "I guess even terrible parents are better than no parents," Sky pointed out. "Loyal subjects! This dragon, Kestrel, stands accused of the highest treason- disobeying me," Scarlet called. "Your majesty, the facts are clear, you gave an order, Kestrel disobeyed you, she deserves a long and painful execution," Vermillion said. "Very compelling, well said, sounds guilty to me," Scarlet said. "Your majesty, I do have a few words to say in the prisoners defense," Osprey said. "If you must," Scarlet said. "You ordered Kestrel to destroy her egg, it was a single egg, but inside there were two dragonets, one had no fire at all, but the other- had to much," Osprey said. "To much fire? Like you?" Umber asked. "No other dragonets like me have hatched in years and years. . ." Sky said. "Is Kestrel. . . Your mother?" Umber asked. "My mother is dead! Queen Scarlet killed her to save me!" Sky said. "Maybe that was a lie," Umber said. "We all know this, skip to the part where we execute her," Scarlet said. "You ordered her to destroy the 'defective' egg, however, she fled with it- when you caught her, the dragonets had hatched, I know, because I was one of the guards who was with you, you told her you'd let her live- if she killed one of her dragonets, so she killed that dragonet with too little fire, right there at the river, with her own claws, but even though she did what you said, you told us to kill her other dragonet anyway! She grabbed her son, she tried to fly away- but she was too badly burned and was forced to drop him, so she fled, leaving her only dragonet at your mercy." "No! My sister died in the egg! I killed her! And my mother tried to kill me! Scarlet is the one who saved me!" "At least that's what she told you," Umber said. "You admit Kestrel disobeyed me, i think we're done here," Scarlet said. "But she tried to obey you, you're the one who reversed the order," Osprey said. "I changed my mind, I'm the queen, I can do that," Scarlet said. "Kestrel was always a faithful soldier to you, she followed your orders, and what did you do?" Osprey asked, "ordered her to kill her own dragonets!" Sky then doved down to where they were having the trial, and his tail accidentally set a bit of the wire linked to talons on fire. "It's not true! Tell them my mother wanted to kill me, and Queen Scarlet saved me!" Sky yelled. "Sky, your not supposed to be here," Scarlet said. "You lied to me! You said she was dead!" Sky snapped. Sky looked at Kestrel, then looked at Queen Scarlet. "I call upon the tradition of the champions shield, I want to fight for my mother," Sky said. "What?!" Scarlet growled. "As queens champion, I can stand for any condemned dragon, if I win my next fight, you have to let her go," Sky explained. "Now where did you hear of that old law? you!" Scarlet yelled, pointing a talon at Osprey. Scarlet then picked up Osprey and started carrying him somewhere. "Stop!" Sky pleaded. Then, Scarlet dropped Osprey over the rocks, Sky tried to catch poor Osprey, but he ended of burning Osprey's talon. "He was my friend," Sky said with sorrow. "Not anymore," Scarlet said. "The champion has asked to stand for the prisoner, I'll choose her opponent and they'll battle at the end of tomorrow's Games, if Sky wins, Kestrel goes free, if not, I'll have a dead champion- but atleast we'll get to execute Kestrel right away, what a wonderfully bloody day for me and Queen Burn!" Poor Kestrel, poor Osprey, poor Sky, Umber thought.

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