Normal Day

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Zac's Pov:

I woke up to the familiar beeping of my alarm clock. I shut it off and got out of bed. I groaned as I got dressed and put on black shorts an Eagles jersey, and a pair of neon green briefs. Trust me, I don't like wearing briefs and tighty whites, but whenever I wear boxers, my brothers try to deliberatly rip those so I can't wear them again. I peak out my bedroom door before heading downstairs for breakfast. Treyton leaves for work pretty early, so Jaxs is in charge of feeding us. None of them wake up as early as 6, unless they want to wake someone up and ruin their day. I head to the kitchen to get myself some cereal, but am stopped by someone grabbing my shoulders.

"Hey Zacky," I hear one of the twins say. I turn around to see Sonny grinning at me.

"What are you doing up?" I ask, taking a step away from him.

"Have to go in to finish a project." He takes a step towards me. "Don't have to leave for another few minutes, why not have some fun?" He grabs the front of my neon briefs and lifts me up by them.

"Sonny it hurts." I whine, my hands clutching his, trying to get him to let go. I kick my legs violently as he starts bouncing me.

"Aw, does it?" He teases. He drops me to the ground and pins me down. "Now I'll give you 3 choices, wedgie, beating, or a swirly." I ponder these choices, deciding swirly will be the less painful.

"Swirly, I guess." I mumble as he shoves me towards the bathroom. He forces me on my knees in front of the toliet. "Sonny please," I beg. He shoves my head in the water and flushes.

"Am I done now," I ask, raising my head out of the water. Sonny checks his phone and shrugs.

"Yeah, I gotta get going." Without much warning he slaps a hand over my mouth, and yanks the back of briefs. My scream is muffled into his hand as he lifts me off the ground again.

"Sonny stop," I whimper as he removes his hand. I desperatly try to get out of the situation. Sonny bounces me up and down, before hooking the waistband to the coat hook. He steps back to admire his work before pulling down my shorts.

"Bye Zachy," He grins, grabbing his book bag. "See ya later." I watch as he leaves, hops on his bike and pedals in the direction of our school. Our school is ages 8th-12th, which is not good for me. I was looking foward to spending 8th grade in the middle school, but due to construction for this year 8th is in the high school. I groan as I realize I'm still stuck hanging by my briefs. I try to wiggle out, but it only makes the wedgie worse. I realize I'm just gonna have to wait till someone else comes. I wait around a bit till around 7, when I hear Skylar screaming. A few minutes later Jax and Landon come down, Landon with a big grin on his face.

Landon bursts out laughing when he sees me. "Hey loser." He walks up to me and pulls down on my legs, making me yip.

"Lan cut it out." Jax sighs. "Where are Jayden and Sky, I heard Sky scream."Probally just stubbed his toe." Landon smirks.

"Can someone let me down now?" I complain. Jax nods his head towards me and Landon rolls his eyes and releases me from the hook. He gives one sharp yank upwards before dropping me. I glare at him and head upstairs too see whats up with Skylar. On my way up the stairs I bump it Jayden.

"Move dork." He growls, giving me a light shove. Guess he's in a bad mood. I opened Skylar's door to find him hanging off the top bunk bedpost by his boxer briefs.

"Zach!" He sighs. "Get me down please." I climb up to the top bunk and unhook Skylar's boxers.

"Thank you," He exhales. "Landon came in here and did it this morning."

"Yeah, I heard." I respond, heading back down for breakfast. I ate quick and told Treyton I was biking to school. I left quick before Landon could find out I let Skylar down.

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