Making amends

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Landon's POV

It's that little shits fault. That was probably one of the worst few hours of my life yesterday, all because of him. I guess I should be thankful, I mean Zach did let me down. I'll admit it, I do bully Zach more than I should, but I bully Sky and Sonny too. And it's not because of my parents. It's because he's obnoxios as fuck, and that's my job as his older brother. It's been a whole day after and I'm still pissed. I decide to go to his room after school.

"Hey," I knock on his door and barge in before he answers. He's sitting at his desk writing something with headphones on. Since he doesn't here I me, I go up behind me and slap him lightly in the head. He whips around and removes his headphones.

"Oh, hey." He murmers. "What do you want?"

"Oh, I um." I hesitate, I haven't decided if I wanted to thank him, or beat him up. "I just wanted to know, if you wanted to play xbox, with Jay and I." His face lights up. Gee if I knew it would make him so happy, I might of asked a while ago. That's probably not true, I probably didn't care how he felt.

"REALLY!" He asks in shock. "You guys wanna play with me?" I nod my head and motion him to follow. 

"Jay!" I shout in our room. "C'mon were playing xbox." Jay reluctantly follows us to the game room and we set up by our xboxes.

"C'mon Zach," Jayden teases. "You know the rules."

"Do I have too?" He groans. I nod my head and raise the back of Zach's shirt. Jayden grabs the waistband of his briefs an pulls them upwards. Zach lifts his arms up, knowing the drill, and lets us thread them into the legholes of his underwear.

"How does that feel?" Jay mocks, letting go of the fabric, leaving Zach in a shoulder wedgie. The rules in our family for playing video games together on a normal day is that the second oldest playing gets a shoulder wedgie, 3rd oldest gets a double shoulder wedgie, and 4th oldest goes atomic. Zach is the only one who ever has to go atomic, since Trey doesn't let us play this when he's around, and twins count as one age. Their's exceptions, of course, but only on special occasions. Since out of the three of us he's only the second youngest he only has to endure a shoulder wedgie.

"It feels bad," He complains. We decide to play fortnite, and I'll admit, I have a good time. If he wasn't my little brother, I would probably want to be friends with him. I mean I've always known he was cool from hanging out with him in the past, but that was when being funny and kind was enough to make friends. I never understood why exactly he was so popular, and why all the girls liked him. Now I can see he's taken after us. He has charm, is funny, and I get why he has a lot of friends. He's actually a pretty cool kid.

"Oh yeah!" He jeers after killing me. "That's what I'm talking about." There's the annoying little dork I know. I can't stop my myself from grabbing the front of his briefs, and pulling them up really hard. He lets out a shriek and I let him down.

"How ya like that?" I smirk. He blushes and pouts as he tucks the front of his briefs back in his shorts.

"So how was school?" Jay asks.

"It was alright," He shrugs. "Joe and I are so nervous about tomorrow." Ah yes, those two have their tryouts for the team. I play for the Blue Devils 2007-2005 league. Tryouts for that age group were last week, and I made it as one of the younger kids, being born in 2007 and all. I'm currently in the 2nd line, but that'll change soon.

"I saw Sonny body slam you today." I chuckle, replaying the image in my head.

"Oh yeah." He makes a face of disgust. It was pretty hilarious, Sonny sent him flying across the schoolyard, tumbling into a garbage can, causing it to tip over. 

"That must've been hilarous." Jay comments.

"Shut up." Zach whines whilst blushing. We continue our game, and once again he kills me and Jayden.

"What the hell!" Jayden exclaims, throwing his controller on the floor after getting head shot sniped.

"Oh dam!" Zach shouts, pumping his fist in the air.

"Shut up," Jayden rolls his eyes. He shuts of the xbox. "Let's play a real game." He launches himself at Zach and in 5 seconds has him pinned.

"Get off, you fat ass!" Zach shouts. Jayden presses his elbow in his chest.

"Say uncle." He smirks, his elbow dug into Zach's chest as he pulls up the front of his briefs.

"UNCLE UNCLE!" Zac shouts while laughing. Jayden rolls of Zach and starts tickling him.

"Jayden stop!" Zach shouts between laughs. Jayden eventually gets off Zach, who's wheezing for air.

"Yeah that's what I thought," Jayden grins. Zach sits up and pouts.

"I hate you." He mumbles.

"Aw, you know you love me." Jayden teases, wrapping him in a headlock and softly grinding his knuckles of Zac's hair.

"Stop!" He whines, pushing Jayden away, but even he can't resit a smile. We decide to doordash dinner, and invite Alexandria and Sam to watch a movie with us. Skylar and Sonny are at a friends house, and I think Brooke and Leah went out shopping.

"So what movie are we watching?" Alex asks.

"I don't know what should we watch?" I ask.

"I don't really care," Sam comments. "You guys can decide."

"Ooh! Can we watch the ne-" Zach starts but before he can answer Jayden and I cut him off.

"No." We both say flatly. "Your gonna say some dumb movie that literally no one wants to watch."

"I was gonna say the new-" He pouts but again we cut him off.

"We do not care." I state.

"How about we watch IT?" Sam smirks. We all nod in agreement except Zach, who's never liked scary movies. He stares at the carpeted floor fidgeting with his shirt.

"Is the baby scared?" Jayden teases.

"N-no." He stutters. "I don't care, let's watch it." We exchange glances with Sam, who shrugs and put the movie on. Zach hugs his knees to his chests and lays his head on Sam's lap.

"Oh Zachy." Alex sympathizes, giving him a hug. "It's not that scary." He nods in agreement, but I can see the worried look on his face. I'm not sure if he's worried about the movie, or if we'll tease him, because I've seen him watch horror movies with his friends, and he really just hates jump scares. Other than that he's mostly fine, he just probably knows we'll make fun of him. 

"All right." Jayden smirks. "Let the fun begin."

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