Normal Day Part 2

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I get to school and quickly see my friends. James, Ryan, Mack, Cam, Luke, and Joe.

"Hey Zach." James grins, fist bumping me. 

"Hey James." I reply. "What's up guys?"

"Nothing much" Luke shrugs. We walk into the building and head to our lockers. All of our lockers are fairly close. James and Ryan's being right next to me. I open it up and grab my stuff. 1st period I have literacy with Joe. Unfortunetly we also have Sonny in our class. We're in advanced for our grade, and Sonny is incredibly stupid. I close my locker but before I can leave I a tug on my briefs. I turn around to see Landon, Jayden, and their three friends, Colin, Donovan, and Tyler.

"Hey nerd." Landon smirks, yanking the front of my briefs up. I immeadietly cup my crotch as he lifts off the ground. Donovan and Tyler are cool, mainly because Donovan is Ryan's brother, and Tyler is Mack's. 

"Landon," I squeak. "It hurts."

"Hey Ryan!" Donovan sings. "Wanna get in on this." Ryan shakes his head no as Donovan pulls him in a headlock.

"Donovan," Ryan growls, trying to get out of his grip. "Stop." Landon starts bouncing me up and down as I groan in pain. He drops me to the ground and shoves me into the locker. I crumple to the ground as he kicks me hard in the ribs.

"See you later losers." Colin smirks. Donovan releases Ryan after shoving him down next to me. Ryan gives me a sympthetic look as I head off to Joe's locker.

"Lan got you?" Joe asks. I nod my head and lean against the lockers.

"Yep," I sigh. "He's such a dick I swear," We head to class and sit down in our seats. Joe's to my left, a kid named Owen of my right, and none other than Sonny behind me. Our teacher starts talking and I feel Sonny's spit soaked finger wriggle around in my ear. I slap his hand away and lean forward more. In the corner of my eye I see Sonny flicking Joe's ear. Joe slaps his hand away and leans forward as well. I feel my briefs get pulled to my shoulders and over the chair. I grit my teeth, as I'm now stuck in a painful chair wedgie. I lean back, trying to relieve the pain. I hear kids snicker around us and my cheeks turn bright red. Thankfully, he doesn't bother me the rest of the class, but he doesn't remove the wedgie either. The class ends and he snaps the underwear off the chair. I sigh in relief and tuck the briefs back in my pants.

"Jerk," I mumble. Joe smirks at me as we head to our lockers. "What?" I snap.

"We have gym next." he responds. I groan. Gym is with the 11th graders, including Jayden, Donovan, and Paul Thompson. Paul hates me, and hates my family. He has a brother in Jax's grade named Eric, who has been held back twice and is turning 20 in March, and a brother in 9th grade named Wyatt. Treyton beat up Eric real bad when he was a Senior, Jax was in 8th and Eric was a freshman, Sonny beat up Wyatt after Wyatt tried to hurt another kid, and Paul just hates everyone. Eric is bad news though. Even though he's an adult, he's ruthless, he steals, does drugs, and he made a kid smoke before. He's a terrible person.

"HEADS UP!" I look up to see Jayden rushing towards me. Before I can react he knocks me flat on my back, knocking the breath out of me. "Hey their loser."

"I, hate you," I wheez between breaths. He smirks and steps on my stomach.

"That's no way to talk to your favorite brother." He lifts me up and twists my arm behind my back.

"Ow, Jayden stop." I beg.

"Say uncle loser." He orders, twisting my arm even more.

"Uncle," I mutter. He let's me go and we proceed to the locker room. I get changed and just as I'm about to leave I feel my briefs tugged up a bit. I turn around to see Paul looming over me. I try to make a run for it, but am pulled back my briefs.

"Where do you think your going Harris?" Paul taunts, lifting me by the fabric. I groan in pain as he walks me over to one of the stalls. He hooks the waistband to the top of the top of the stall, and let's me drop. I cry out in pain, now completely supported by my briefs.

"C'mon Paul." I whine, my eyes watering with tears.

"Shut up bitch." Paul pulls down my shorts before leaving, leaving me stuck hanging by my underwear. I try to get out of the painful wedgie, but only make it worse. I swear, it's only 2nd period and I've been wedgie 3 times today! I groan out in pain, everyone's gonna see me when class ends.  Then, I hear the door open. It's none other Donovan. He bursts out laughing when he sees me.

"God," He laughs. "Who did this."

"Paul," I grit. "That prick." Donovan's eyes instantly turn to ice.

"Paul Thompson." He growls. I nod my head. "That dick is dead."  Donovan lets me down and I tuck the briefs back into my shorts.

"Please don't tell Jay or Landon, they'll just make everything worse." I plead. "Paul will come after me even more."

"That's true," Donovan ponders. "Not to mention Eric, alright I won't tell them,"

"Thank you Donovan," I thank.

"But if anything like that happens again, you gotta tell me, or Jay, or someone." Donovan states. I nod my head as we head back out. I see Paul's surprised face as he sees me, and Donovan's scowl when Paul looks at us. The rest of gym goes smoothly, and thankfully my next classes don't involve any of my brothers. I make it to lunch and sit down next to Cam and Joe. 

"Heard Paul got you," Cam says.

"Yeah," I mumble. "How do you know."

"Well, when you didn't come out for gym, and Paul came out later than everyone else, I put two and two together." Cam explains. I nod my head thoughtfully.

"He's such a dick." James says. "He kept kicking my chair in math, and flicking my ear." We talk about why we hate the Thompson's and then head off to our next classes. I have math with Luke and Ryan. Math is pretty uneventful, we just go over Algebra stuff. Then I have Social Studies, where we just watch a video. Then we have free period, and just chill in the courtyard. Then finally, the bell rings. I rush to my locker and get my bag. I'm about to make it out, when someone grabs my shoulders and pulls me into the boys bathroom. I look behind me to see Paul Thompson and 2 of his friends, Levi Popenti and Marcus Durant. 

"What do you want, guys?" I ask, backing away from them. WIthout much warning, Marcus grabs the front of my briefs and lifts me in the air. I cry out in pain as Paul grabs the back. 

"How do you like that loser?" Paul smirks. I clench my eyes shut, trying not to cry.

"Stop," I whimper. They drop me on the ground and before I can react Paul starts raining punches on me. Mostly on my chest, a few on my leg, and one on my nose. I let tears fall down my cheeks as he finally stops.

"Your such a baby," He sneers before leaving. I wait a few minutes before getting up. A check my phone to see it's 3:11. I stand up and examine myself in the mirror. I look like shit, with dried blood near my nose, and my ribs already bruising. I clean my face and head outside to my bike. Joe and Ryan are waiting for me.

"Hey," I mumble, strapping on my helmet.

"Wow you look like shit," Ryan comments.

"I feel like shit," I respond. "What should we do,"

"Basketball?" Joe asks. "Then we could have dinner at my house."

"Sounds good, just let me text Treyton, what time do you think we'll eat?" I ask.

"Around 7." Joe answers I text Treyton and we head off to the basketball courts, thankful to get away from my brothers.

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