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Zach's POV

I was just chilling in my room when I hear a soft knock on my door. I just finished up my fucking math homework, and my bitch literacy teacher assigned an essay due Friday. Imagine walking into first period on a Monday morning and being told you have to write an essay.

"Come in!" I call. Sam and Jax enter, and football in Jax's hand.

"Wanna throw the football around?" Jax asks. I play football, basketball, and baseball, but mainly football. Even though I'm only in 8th grade, I made varsity football, basketball, and I'm trying out for varsity baseball. Jayden plays baseball and soccer, Landon plays football and soccer, Skylar plays basketball, Sonny wrestles, and Jax plays football and basketball. Jayden's the star varsity pitcher, and I plan to be his backup. Skylar's the star shooting guard, and I was his point guard. Together we averaged 50 points a game. Landon plays db in football, and striker at soccer. Jax has college offers for qb at Texas Tech, Alabama, and Michigan. It's only March, and basketball just ended, and baseball starts in a month. Even though it's not fall, theirs an elite Spring team that I'm trying out for in 2 days. 

"Yeah, I could use the practice," I comment as we head out the door. Joe and I are trying out for the team, the Bridgewater Blue Devils. It's part of the most pristine league in all of New Jersey. It's 2008-2010, but usually only the 2008 and some 2009 year old's make it. Joe's already 14, and I won't be 14 for a few more months, but we have are eye on starting WR1 and QB1. I lace up my cleats and pull my gloves on my hands. The leauge is 10 games, than the playoffs, and then whover wins the league, moves up into the state cup. I hop in the back of Jax's mustang, as the front door opens. Sonny and Sky run out and slide next to me, squashing me into the  middle.

"We wanna come for some brotherly bonding." Sonny grins, clamping a hand on my shoulder, digging his fingernails into my skin.

"Ow," I whine. "Fuck off." All this earns is a sharp tug on my briefs.

"Hey be loving brothers back there," Samuel smirks. We pull into a nearby park and head towards the open grass. Even though their older and faster, I'm a much better football player than both of the twins. So when Sonny tries to play db on me, I absolutaly cook him.

"THAT IS A HEAD TAP!" Jax and Sam scream, as I hit a celly after reaching through Sonny's outstreched arms, over his head, to grab the ball.

"Shut the fuck up," Sonny growls, shoving me.

"Head tap, head tap." They jeer as Sonny stalks over to me. 

"1v1," He sneers. "Guard me." I line up against him and he takes of flying, he's faster, but I'm still able to keep up. Jax throws the ball, and I as I head to it, Sonny grabs the hood of my sweatshirt to yank me to him, and then shoves me forward. I fall forward, arms pinnwheeling, I hit the ground hard, but manage to grab Sonny's leg, sending him into the grass. The ball bounces on the ground a few yards away. 

"Woah," Jax shouts. "None of that." I stand up angrily and glare at Sonny, who lays on the ground.

"I guess I locked you up." I state. He glances up at me before responding.

"What are you talking about?" He retorts. "You fell on your face."

"You were supposed to catch it," I sneer. 

"I cooked you, you just fell and tripped me up." He replies. 

"Alright, believe whatever you want, your just mad I locked you up." I respond. Sonny glares at me, but gets up without responding. I snatch the football of the ground and throw it back to Jax. We throw the ball around a bit longer before Jax and Sam leave.

"You guys can walk right," Jax calls. We nod our heads yes as he and Sam hop into the mustang.

"Hey they took the football!" Skylar exclaims. "What ought we do?"

"I have a fun game in mind." Sonny smirks, grinning at me. I don't react until he makes the first move, stepping in my direction. I then take off, headed toward the playground. I can hear Sonny's feet behind me, it's not too log before we reach the playground. I trample up the steps and find myself at the top of a steep blue slide. I'm about to go down when Sonny reaches me and pulls me back. I look up to see him smiling down at me.

"Hey their Sonny," I grin. Without much warning he pushes me down the slide, and yanks on the waistband of my briefs. He hooks the waistband on a loose nail, leaving me stuck on the top part of the slide, my underwear keeping me from sliding down.

"Ow fuck!" I groan, trying to pull myself up the slide, finding it only worsens the wedgie.

"Hey Sky check this out!" Sonny laughs. Sky climbs up behind us and bursts out laughing.

"Well this is quite amusing." He smirks. "Sonny I think we outta head back to the house. We do have to study for that science test tomorrow." 

"Guys c'mon," I plead. "Don't leave me." Sonny slides down and grabs on my legs, pulling me down with him. I scream out in pain, but Sky covers my mouth to muffle the noise. After a few more pulls, my briefs rip, sending Sonny and I sliding to the bottom. They both take of running as I lie their in pain. 

"Fuck them," I mumble as I sit up. I can see them running down the street as I get up and make my slow way home. I head straight to my room and flop on my bed. It's already 6:30. I head downstairs for dinner to see Trey has made tacos.

"Hey where's Landon?" Jayden asks, noticing Landon's the only one not here. Trey and Jax exchange glances.

"Oh uh, he won't be joining us this meal," Jax snickers. I shrug it off and finish my meal. I head upstairs and hear groans coming from Jax's room. I hesitantly open the door to find no one in their. I'm about to leave when I hear another groan from the closet. I open the door to find Landon hanging by the front of his boxers in an atomic wedgie.

"Get me down!" He shouts. "Whoever the fuck you are."

"Um, it's me." I squeak, pulling his boxers off his head and off the hook. He takes a minute to tuck his boxers back in his pants before turning to me. He opens his mouth to speak, but instead just sighs and pushes me out of the way. I wait till I here his door slam shut to make my way back to my room. I wonder what he did to make Sam, Jax, or Trey do that to him. I shrug it off and head to my room and just play madden until I get tired.

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