Twin Trouble

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Zach's POV

I wake up the next morning feeling pretty good. I don't really wanna see anyone in my family after how I acted last night. Like a complete baby. I was vulnerable, and in no place to fight back or act cool. I reluctantly get dressed and ready for school, before heading downstairs. 

"Morning Zachy." Treyton smiles, as I sit down next to him.  "Jax had to leave early for some school project for the rest of the week."

"Cool" I nod. "Where is everyone else?"

"Still asleep," Treyton answers. "it's not even 6. I gotta get to work now anyways," I nod my head as he grabs his bag and walks out the door. I look at around the dark kitchen. Is Jayden still gonna make me do that bet? Yeah hell no. It was dumb anyways. I make myself some eggs and bacon, and by the time I'm done with that, Sam, Alex, and Jayden have come down.

"How's it shaking bacon." Sam laughs, snatching a piece of bacon of my plate. 

"You are so not funny." Jayden sighs. "Now you," He points a finger at me and grins. 

"Yeah, no." I say before he can respond. "I know we made a deal fair and square, but I'm not doing it. Last night you beat me up, and yeah." I expect Jayden to either argue back, or just attack me but instead he laughs.

"Alright lil bro, I mean I shouldn't have beaten you up" He replies. "I guess were even now. You don't do the bet, and I beat you up."

"Really?" I ask in shock. I honestly didn't expect Jayden to be so leniatnt to the idea.

"Yeah, and I'm sorry for those rib shots." He chuckles. "I'm stronger then I think." I roll my eyes at him and continue to eat my breakfast. 

"Get off me asshole!" I hear someone yell from upstairs.

"You fucking started it!" Another voice screeches. I look around the room, as we all wonder who's fighting. The choices narrow down as Brooke, Leah, and Landon all come down.

"The twins." Landon rubs his temples. "They better quiet down or they'll regret it." 

"Morning sunshine." Alex laughs at Brooke, who looks like she just got caught in a tornado, as she yanks up on her pink panties.

"Ow!" Brooke yells, as her sister continues to bounce her. "Sam make her stop." Instead of fulfilling the request, Sam simply smirks and grabs the front of her panties.

"Aw does that hurt?" He teases, lifting her off her feet.

"Ow!" She screams. "Sammy please stop." Sam laughs but reluctantly let's go. Brooke blushes and slaps him on the arm

"That's not fair." Brooke pouts. "Why do I always get wedgied?"

"Cuz your the youngest, and that's how it works." Leah laughs.

"He's literally younger than me." Brooke exclaims pointing at me. "Shouldn't he get wedgied too?" I put my hands up in surrender.

"What did I do?" I shout. Leah simply grabs the back of my briefs and yanks me off the ground.

"See is it fair now?" Leah smirks, bouncing me. 

"What the hell!" I yip as Landon rushes to join in, grabbing the front of my blue briefs.

"Cut it out." Sam laughs as Landon shoves me towards Leah, who shoves me back towards him.

"Assholes." I mutter, tucking my briefs back into my shorts.

"Aw, you know you love it." Landon snickers, wrapping me in a headlock and lightly noogeing me. I groan as he sticks a spit soaked finger in my ear, and swirls it around.

"Eww, Landon." I whine, trying desperetly to push away. He finally releases me and I stalk off upstairs, interested as to what Sonny and Sky were up too.

"Son of a bitch!" I hear one yell upon entering the room. The two of them are rolling around the floor, Sky's boxer briefs hanging out the back of his shorts, and Sonny's lip bleeding.

"Hey guys!" I yell, ready to try to stop the fight. They both pause for a second, looking at me, before they go back to yelling.

"Douche bag!"

"Fucking Prick!"

"IF YOU GUYS DON'T STOP I'M GETTING SAM!" I yell at them. This time they actually stop, taking a moment to look at me and then look at each other.

"Pause for a sec." Sonny says, and Skylar nods his head before they close in on me.

"Snitches get stitches." Skylar smirks as he pins me against the wall and flips me to my stomach.

"SAM!" I yell as they yank my briefs up and around my head. I flail my arms, and they thread them through the front leg holes, preventing me from picking the wedgie.

"Shhh!" Skylar soothes, shoving me on the floor. 

"Ok, and resume." They go back to screaming and fighting each other as I sit there blinded by my own underwear, silently crying. I here glass shatter and more screaming.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" I hear Sam shout. Leah and Alex remove my underwear from my head and I fall into a fit of sobs into Sam's shirt. shirt.

"I hate them." I mumble, finally wiping my eyes. 

"Yeah, they're being pricks right now." Sam growls looking at the destroyed room. Broken picture frames, Skylar's microscrope shattered, and Sonny's lamp all lay broken on the rug.

"Fuck we are late. Your brothers already left for school." Sam growls. "But first we're seteling this." The two glare at each other and stand at opposite sides of the room.. Sam turns to me. "You okay bud?" I nod my head and pick myself off the floor.

"Yeah." I sniffle.

"Does anyone wanna tell me why Zach was in that god awful wedgie?" Sam asks. Skylar and Sonny exchange looks before looking at the floor.

"It- it was both of us." Sonny winces. "He threatened to snitch, so we did that so he couldn't."

"It's not snitching if you're trying to kill each other." He frowns. "So here's what we're gonna do. First you guys are apologize to Zach, then he is picking out a punishment, then we are going to school."

"What!" Sonny complains. "He started it."

"Shut up." Sam tells him. "I don't want to hear it. Treyton will deal with you two later." 

"Sorry Zach." Skylar murmers.

"For what?" Sam asks.

"We're sorry for putting you in an atomic wedgie." Sonny finishes. "Can we get on with this?"

"How do you think they should be punished?" Sam asks me.

"Um, shoulder wedgie throughout the whole day!" I exclaim, recalling a time I was forced to do the same thing. Sam grins and proceeds to lock them both in shoulder wedgies.

"Great!" He exclaims. "Now let's get you guys to school." Sonny and Skylar simply glare at each the whole way their.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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