Dead Meat

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Landon's POV

God I can't explain how happy I am that Jax and Trey are out of town. For one thing, Jax always seems to target me when he wants to beat someone up, and now that their gone I can finally mess with my brothers in peace. I gotta say I'm a little surprised Zach didn't lose beat or dare, I mean I'll admit we did go hard on Sonny, only because we have to put him in his place. Out of all of them, he's most likely to fight back.

"Morning," Jayden yawns as he walks downstairs and sits next to me.

"Good morning." Zac says quietly, not looking up at us. I grin at Jayden and he laughs out our youngest brothers fearfulness of us.

"Hey!" I bark, causing Zac to flinch and put up his hands to protect his face. Jayden and I burst out laughing at his reaction.

"Where are the tiny twins?" Jay asks, referring to Sonny and Sky.

"Still in their rooms." Zac responds. Yeah I wouldn't blame them, we got Sonny pretty bad yesterday. I decide to lay off Zach this morning, knowing Sonny will probably get him later.

"Well," Jayden starts. "I was thinking we could invite some friends over tonight, y'know? Just like 4 or 5 kids." I nod my head in agreement as Zac get's up to leave.

"Where do you think your going?" I ask. He whips around to face us.

"S-sorry, I was just," He falters, trying to come up with an excuse. I burst out laughing and wave him off as he scurries up the steps and back to his room. God it's hilarious how scared he is of us. A few minutes later Sonny and Skylar, Sonny holding Zach by his briefs.

"Sonny," He whimpers. "Stop." Sonny drops him on the floor and sits down for breakfast.

"You guys sleep well?" Jayden smirks. Skylar just looks down as Sonny glares at us.

"Yeah," He replies sarcasticly. "It was fantastic. I'm leaving." He stalks off and out the door.

"Um, I'm gonna go too." Zach tells us.

"Same." They both leave quickly and head out the door. I don't really give a shit though and head back upstairs. I head into our room and see my guitar laying on the floor, bent and strings broken. I look at the guitar for a few moments before storming downstairs.

"Those little shits." I grit, I don't know which one of them did it, but I'm gonna find out. I presume it was an accident, but still. Whoever did this is dead meat.

Zach's POV

God for once I'm actually happy to be at school. No more Landon or Jayden. I mean it is Friday, but I'm gonna try to stay over at a friends house on Saturday or something. I get to school and Sonny runs up to me.

"Listen, your gonna do what I say no questions. If you don't I will hang you up by your briefs on the flagpole right now, and beat you senseless." He growls. I nod my head, confused. "You broke Landon's guitar."

"What!" I exclaim. "Fuck No!"

"What did I say?" He grabs me by the collar of my shirt. "I'm not kidding Zach, do what I say." Knowing that he means it, I agree and he drops me on the ground. I shake with fear as I see Landon across the hallway, looking pissed, I head to my locker quickly, knowing he'll be looking for me. I head to my classes and manage to avoid trouble. I tell Donovan what happened, and beg him not to tell Landon or Jay.

"Yeah, I won't tell." He agrees. On my way to science I see Skylar pinned against a locker, Landon pulling the front of his boxer briefs up to his shoulders. Skylar's shaking his head violently.

"It wasn't me!" I here him yell. I hurry to class as quick as I can. I almost make it to the end of the day. After lunch on my way to math I'm slammed into the lockers. I cough, and look up to see Landon standing over me. He grabs me and drags me to the bathroom

"Get out!" He yells at some sophmores in there. "Was it you?"
"Um, y-yeah." I stammer, knowing Sonny will be really mad. He throws me on the floor and starts punching me really hard. I start crying as the blows keep landing. My bruises from Paul are still only 2 days old, so this hurts pretty bad. He drags me to the toliet and shoves my head in before flushing. He then throws me on the ground before kicking me hard in the balls.

"Your a fucking worthless piece of shit." He growls between punches. He punches me in the nose about 7 times before finally stopping. "Fuck, you lucky I don't break every bone in your body. Take off your shirt." I take my shirt off and his eyes fall on the bruises.

"Who did this." He barks.

"No one, um just, no one." I stutter, wiping away my tears.

"Jesus Christ!" He yells. "Did I stutter? Who the fuck did this!"

"No one," I yell back. He grabs the back of my briefs and hangs me up on the bathroom stall. "Ow, fuck."

"Tell me who did it." He growls, slamming his fist in my chest before kicking me in the balls.

"Paul Thompson!" I scream, bursting into tears. "F-fuck you!"

"Paul Thompson." He growls. "Good, you deserve it anyways. I'm still beating his ass, but I'm happy he did it." He punches me in the nose once more. before leaving me. I start crying as I sink farther into the wedgie, my whole body hurting. I don't know how long I cried for before Sonny ended up coming in.

"Oh shit," He mumbles letting me down.

"I-I hate you." I spit. "Your a shitty brother."

"I'm sorry, I didn't know he would go so hard on you." He apologizes. I turn away from him.

"Fuck you," I growl. "You should have gotten this beating, not me." He looks away.

"I'm really sorry. I'll tell Landon it was me." The bell rings and I don't wait, I go to my locker get my stuff and leaving, ignoring Sonny completely.

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