The Fun Begins

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It's funny how something can go so bad so quickly. One moment I was getting ready for school, like any average Thursday, and the next Jax and Treyton tell us that their leaving us alone for 4 days.

"What!" Sonny and Skylar both yelled. 

"We have to go to your cousins Bat Mitzfah." Treyton explained. "You guys could go if you want."

"Yeah no," Sonny responded. "But leaving Landon and Jayden in charge! That's crazy." I glance at Jay and Landon, both grinning at us.

"Sorry," Jax shrugs his shoulders. "We've been planning this for weeks now. We leave after school, and come back Monday with the kids."

"Why are they coming here," Jayden asks. "What about their parents?" 

"Their parents have an important event to go to next week, so the 4 kids will be staying here." Treyton explains. I don't mind my cousins, Samuel, Alexandra, Leah, and Brooke. Sam's cool and even though he's closet to Jax's age at 17, he still hangs out with me a lot. Alexandra and Leah are 15, and Brooke's 13. 

"Were not even Jewish though," Skylar complains.

"That doesn't matter you idiot," Landon sneers. 

"Zach, how do you feel about this?" Trey asks. I shrug my shoulders.

"Fine I guess," I lie, knowing I'm gonna get killed. 

"Alright, well you guys better get ready for school," Jax smiles. "When you come home, we won't be here." 

"Whose gonna drive us?" Landon inquires. 

"I can drive you their, but just walk home." Jax says. I bike to school again, hoping that I can hang out with my friends after school. The day goes by fine, barely any problems. The bell rings and I head out with Mack and Cam. Before I make it to bike racks, I hear someone shout my name. I turn around and see Landon coming towards me.

"What do you want?" I ask.

"You have to come right home." He says.

"Why?"  I reply.

"Cuz I said so," He growls.

"Hell no." I retort. He grabs me by my shirt and lifts me to his face.

"You don't have a choice," He sneers. "This isn't a suggestion, it's an order."  I nod my head fearfully as he drops me to the ground. I get on my bike without saying a word and head home. My friends give me sympathetic look as Landon gives me a cold stare. I make it home a few minutes before him, but when he and Jayden arrive they call all of us to their room.

"What do you want?" Sonny sighs, sitting on Jay's bed.

"Funny you should ask." Jay smirks. "We thought we play a fun game of beat or dare." We all groan. Beat or Dare is a game Jax came up with a few years ago, where basically you get asked a dare, and whoever turns down the most dares after 3 rounds loses. 

"C'mon guys," Sky pleads. I shake with fear. My body is sore from Paul yesterday, and if I lose, I'm gonna get killed.

"Who wants to go first?" Landon asks. Sonny and Skylar both glare at me. "If no one volunteers, then we'll have to choose someone."

"Zach, go." Sonny growls. I shake my head no and their glare intensifies. After a few more minutes of silence, Jayden speaks up.

"Alright, Zach your going first."

"What!" I shout. "Why?" 

"Cuz your the youngest, and that's how that works." Landon smirks. "Alright I dare you to let Sonny and Sky give you a double atomic." My eyes widen in fear as Sonny and Skylar smirk at me.

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