182) C'est Un Si Bon Garçon

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Hello makkale vanakkam ellarum nalla irukingenu namburen. Sorry indha chapter-le no SaiVik. 😁

C'est Un Si Bon Garçon (He's Such A Good Boy)


Paj: Ulle poganuma? 😬

Man: Akka ivlo dhooram vandhuttu yen ipdi oru kelvi ketkuringe? 🤪

Paj: Ille romba buildup kudukkuranga enakke light-ah bayama irukku. 🤪

Man: Adhukkunu patient-eh vittutu epdi akka poga mudiyum? 🤪

Jos: Dr. Manju, here is the access card for the cell. Don't lose it. Don't give it to anyone. Keep it safely, especially from your patient. Am I clear?

Man: Yes. 😬

Jos: Dr. Pajapathy, unfortunately, we can't go in there unless there is any emergency. Miruthulan's nurse will be going in with Dr. Manju. 🙂

Paj: What? 😬

Man: 🤪

Jos: Just be calm and hope everything will be fine. We can wait here.

🙍‍♂️: Hi, I'm Nathaniel, I'm the nurse in charge of Miruthulan. 😊

Jos: Nate has been in Letchworth for 15 years, he have more experience than most of us. 🙂

Nat: Silly boy, go do your work. I'll take care of these ladies. 😊

Jos: Okay, just call me when you need anything. 😁🚶‍♂️

Nat: You eat chicken? 😊

Paj: Me? Ya, I do. 🤪

Nat: I had brought some lumpias, it's in the pantry there, just go and have some, I'll take care of this. 😁

Paj: Are you sure? 🙄

Nat: Trust me, I have seen more worse than Miru. He's such a good boy. 😊

Man: Akka neenga ponga naan paarthukuren. 😊

Paj: Okay. 😬🚶‍♀️

Nat: Dr. Manju, keep all of your things here. You shouldn't bring anything. 😊

Man: Okay. 😊

Nat: Now let's go meet Miru boy. 😊

They both went through a doorway that led to an empty corridor. A secured iron door with a locking mechanism was located at the end of the passageway.

Nat: What's cooking in there? Girl or boy? 😊

Man: I didn't wanna know the gender now. Let it be a surprise. 😊

Nat: That's so cute. I have never seen a pregnant doctor here since the day I joined. 😊

Man: Well, then I'm the first one. 😅

Nat: Yup. 🤭

Man: Is this the cell? 🙄

Nat: Yup, use the card to unlock and hide it in your pant pocket. 😁

Manju nervously sighed before opening the door so the two of them could enter. The instant the door closed back mechanically, they were met with total darkness in the room.

Nat: Miru, I told you not to mess with the light bulbs, see, it's dark now, you might trip and fall down. 🙄

The silence was deafening.

Man: 😬

Nat: Don't worry, Dr. Manju, Miru used to play like this. Luckily, I had brought a torchlight. 😊

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