197) Docteur Étrange

388 90 45

Vanakkam makkale vaanga vaanga namma Dr. Luthfudeeneh konjam gavanippom. 😁

Docteur Étrange (Doctor Strange)


(Before sunrise)

Luthfudeen swivelled his head to the right.

Lut: Assalamu'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. 😌

Luthfudeen looked to his left with his face turned.

Lut: Assalamu'alaykum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. 😌

Luthfudeen concluded his prayers, folded his prayer mat neatly, and set it down next to his prayer area. He got dressed again and got ready to go for a jog outside. He stepped out of his luxurious residence and began to jog along the street, which was bordered by lush trees.

Lut: 😌🏃‍♂️

He soon arrived at a park close to his residence. He looked for the person he was expected to see, and at last, he spotted. With a sigh, he approached the person seated on a park bench.

Lut: Charlotte. 🤨

Cha: There you are, Dr. Luth. Good morning. 😊

Lut: 🤨

Cha: 😁

Lut: Charlotte, I told you not to come here alone. Where's Holden? 🤨

Cha: He's still asleep. Dr. Luth, he came from his night shift just now, so i didn't have the heart to disturb him. Also, I'm not alone, Ben is with me. 😊

Luthfudeen spotted a young boy playing in the playground.

Cha: Come on, Dr. Luth, have a seat. 😁

Sighing, Luthfudeen took a seat next to Charlotte.

Lut: Charlotte, you're in your third trimester. You shouldn't be walking around lonely like this. At least let me get a nurse to assist you at home. 😐

Cha: Dr. Luth, you know we can't afford that. Also, Holden will definitely say no. 🙂

Lut: I'll talk to Holden about this later, and paying the nurse is not your job it's mine. 🤨

Cha: 😐

Luthfudeen turned to greet Ben.

Lut: He seems to be happy. 🙄

Cha: Yup, I didn't tell him about his dental appointment. 🤭

👶: Luthhhh! 😁🏃‍♂️

Ben leapt into Luth's arms.

Lut: How are you, Benboy? 🙂

👶: Why didn't you come and see me yesterday? 😕

Lut: Aww, are you sad because of that? I'm so sorry, I was quite busy. Also, see what I've got for you. 🍫

👶: 🤩 Thank You! 🍫

Lut: Charlotte, let's go, I'll walk you home. Let's go, Benboy. 🙂

Luth accompanied Charlotte and Ben on their walk until they arrived at Charlotte's house. Luth soon returned to his residence to prepare to leave for Letchworth.

(A few minutes later)

Lut: Auch! 😖

Luth glanced at the finger he had unintentionally burned.

Lut: 😮‍💨

He saw the burned food in the pan.

Lut: I hate cooking. 😮‍💨

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