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We open on the Wizards palace. The Wizard is there when Varian arrives on his broomstick. Varian sets his broom by the big wizard head and walks around the room

Eugene grabs Varian's broom. 

Eugene(Wizard voice): I knew you'd come back (regular voice) Hear me out I never meant to harm you

Varian: Well you have, you have harmed me

Eugene: I realize that, and I regret it. Varian

Varian: There you are! I'm setting those monkeys free! And don't try to interfere or call the guards....

Eugene: I'm not calling anyone. The truth is that I'm glad to see you again. It gets pretty lonely around here. And I know you must be lonely too.

Varian: You don't know the first thing about me

Eugene: Oh, but I do. I do know you. I can't explain it exactly. You know what I mean? Varian, you've been so strong though all of this, aren't you  tired of being the strong one? Wouldn't you like someone to take care of you? (Eugene hands Varian back his broom) Please, help me start again.

Varian: Don't you think I wish I could? That I could go back to a time when I believed that you really were wonderful? The Wonderful Wizard of Carona? Nobody believed in you more than I did.

Eugene: Oh, my dear child 

Eugene (singing): I never asked for this or planned it in advance I was merely blown here by the winds of chance I never saw myself as a Demanitus or a Zhan Tiri I knew who I was one of those dime a dozen Mediocrates then suddenly I'm here, respected, worshiped even just because the folks here in Carona needed someone to believe in does it surprise you I got hooked and all to soon and not just by balloon.... 

Eugene: Wonderful they call me wonderful so I said, wonderful, if you insist I will be wonderful believe me it's hard to resist 'cuz it feels wonderful for them to think I'm wonderful, hey looks who's wonderful this corn-fed hick! Who said it might be keen to build a town of green and a wonderful road of yellow brick 

Eugene (speaking): See, I never had a family of my own since I was always traveling, and I guess I just wanted to give the citizens of Carona everything 

Varian: So you lied to them?

Eugene: Only verbally. Besides, they were lies they wanted to hear. Varian, where I come from we believe all sorts of things that aren't true.... we call them legends 

Eugene(singing): A man's called a traitor or a liberator a rich man's a thief or a philanthropist is one a crusader or a ruthless invader it's all in the label which is able to persist there are precious few to ease with moral ambiguities so we act as though they don't exist... They call me wonderful so I am infact, it's so much who I am it's part of my name! And with my help you can be the same.... 

Eugene: At long, long last receive your due long overdue Varian, the most celebrated are the rehabilitated there'll be such a whoopde doo! A celebration throughout Carona, that's all to do with you! Wonderful, they'll call you wonderful!

Varian: That does sound wonderful!

Eugene: Trust me it's fun!!!

Both, When you're wonderful! Wonderful, wonderful

Eugene: One, two and......

Varian and Eugene start dancing

Varian: I'll accept your proposition 

Eugene: Wonderful! 

Varian: On one condition 

Eugene: Yes?

Varian: You set those Monkeys free

Eugene: Done

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