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Uzi went missing, and N felt very sad.

(Very short)

(Word count: 779)

Posters were plastered on the wall, especially at the school.

N would stare at them for hours with a sad look. He would hang around at Uzi's room.

Seeing what was left.

There were rumors that Uzi fled the colony, and the police were too afraid to investigate anywhere near past the three doors of protection.

While there were worse rumors saying she died.

And because of that, the rumors would mix, saying she died while running away or something worse.

No one knew why she'd run away to begin with...

Or if it was even the truth... maybe she simply left the colony without anyone knowing.

In the classroom, students simply didn't bring up the subject as no one even knew she existed despite being in the same class as her.

"Uzi?" The teacher said, taking attendance.

The classroom was silent as the students shared confused looks. "Not here... again." The teacher said, marking her name off.

She's been missing for months, and N just realized she was gone.

"You just realized she was gone after three weeks!? How is that possible!? You should've been the first to realize not the last!"

That was what V said. She yelled at him for realizing it too late.

It wasn't his fault. Usually, when Uzi wouldn't visit for weeks, it was because she was busy with school work or she was grounded again.

But he didn't know she'd leave...

Right when they were in the middle of things.

N laid on Uzi's bed. staring at the ceiling. He frowned as he hugged a pillow close.

"Where have you gone?" Was what he said.

It really feels like it's been ages since he last saw her smile... and when he last saw her little purple eyes that would sparkly with joy when she's with him.

But despite him feeling down, he knew Khan had it worse.

Not attending to work for days. He has not left his room, but whenever he did, he stared at the closet, where he kept both Nori's and Uzi's drawings.

Khan couldn't believe it. He lost his wife and now his daughter, except he doesn't know whether or not she's dead.

N walked out of Uzi's room after hours of staring blankly at the walls, N decided to go out and look for her. He got tired of waiting.

He walked past Khan, who was drinking coffee. They both shared tired glanced before going on with their day.

N was making his way out of the colony as he assumed she was out somewhere hiding.

Why would she leave?

Why didn't she tell him!?

Was what went through N's mind.

But as he went through the three doors, many drones gave him weird looks. Some assume he was the one who murdered Uzi as they both spend a lot of time together.

But N would ingore those drones who assumed the worst.

As N made his way out, he met V, who was standing in front of the last door with her arms crossed.

"Are you done being all sad." She said.

N shrugged as he walked past her.

"Was that a no?" She smiled.

"Why would you care anyways." He mumbled.

"She was my friend too don't I have to remind you." She said as she followed along N.

"You wouldn't be acting all happy if you were." He said as he stopped walking to glare at her.

"I was." She smiled, "but I got somewhat over it." She said.

N raised a brow "in a day?" He said.

"Well, when they first announced that Uzi was missing, I was a little down, but... disassembly drones weren't programmed to feel bad when a worker drone died. They were our prey, after all." She said as she placed her hands on her hips.

N's eyes widened. "She's not our prey!" He said as he shoved V away. "She's our friend! You... you should be helping me find her." He said as he turned his gaze to the ground.

"She's my friend... she was your-"

"I know! You're making me guilty for not finding out about her disappearance sooner!" He said as little pixelated tears formed onto his visor.

V sighed. "Don't worry, N. Knowing Uzi, she can take care of herself, " she said, trying to comfort N.

"Can she...? There were times she couldn't control herself whenever she was alone." N said

"Well, where do you think she's heading?" V asked

"I dont... I don't know." N said.

"But I...  I miss her"


(Very short, ik it's less than 1000 words, sadly)

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