always wanted

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(A nuzi oneshot)

Uzi loves staring at N and gets caught.

Or just....

Uzi likes N and tells him how she feels.

(Wrote this very late at night while listening to music at the same time so there could be errors!)

(Word count: 1056)

Uzi was drinking oil from a juice box while hanging out in the landing pod.

The two were talking most of the time.

But it was mostly quiet because the two didn't know what to talk about. So they mostly enjoyed eachothers company.

But Uzi kept staring at him as she kept drinking her oil from the juice box.

"Uzi?" N asked as he raised a brow.

Uzi's eyes widened as her visor flushed purple.

"Are you... good?" He asked.

Uzi looked away quickly as she tried to avoid eye contact. "y- yeah!" She murmured as she spun her chair to face away from him.

Uzi couldn't stop thinking about him lately. She'd couldn't stop staring at him. She lov- I mean likes the playful look in his golden yellow eyes, his genuine smile.

She simply liked being around him.

It's been a while since the camping trip, and a while since she last saw him as a friend.

But did N feel the same? He did save her from herself... he is the only one who tends to comfort her whenever she gets into another argument with her dad. She sighed. Maybe it's just him being friendly.

But because of the trip, she was terrified of scaring him away, terrified that one day she'll stop seeing his smile and hearing his laughs.

She doesn't want to lose him.

"Uzi?" N asked, getting the little purple drone out of her thoughts.

"S- sorry!" She said.

"Why is your visor purple? I- i mean, it's a lot more purple than usual." He said as he pointed at his own visor.

Uzi's eyes widened, knowing that he's talking about the very visible blush on her visor.

"... it's because of... i- I'm sweaty! i- is it hot in here!" She said.

N simply gave her a confused look. He didn't believe a single thing she said.

Uzi hopped off of one of the pilot's chairs. "I need some fresh air!" She said as she climbed out.

She made her way onto the snow. As her visor kept glowing a bright purple. she looked around to see if V was around, Uzi sat on the snow as she stared up at the pitch black sky and the bright dull moon... snow was falling from the sky as she held up her hand to let one fall onto her.

She couldn't get the disassembly drone out of her mind. She wants to hold his hand and be around him more often...

She sighed and laid onto the snow as she covered her flustered visor.  She felt like an idiot.

Having all of those thoughts inside of her head made her feel like an idiot. She felt embarrassed for not confessing her love for him back at the camp when he got her back to her normal worker drone self after becoming a solver drone.

And now she has to wait for the right moment and time.

But when? When will she tell him? In a few hours, days, months, or even years!?

She doesn't have the patients for that!

Suddenly, she heard the snow crunching in the distance like little dried up leaves.

But because it was slightly quiet, they were either V's or N's footsteps.


The purple drone moved her hand and peeked through the little openings between her fingers.

It was N making his way next to Uzi as he laid next to her on the snow.

"Why have you been... avoiding me?" He asked as Uzi fully got her hands off of her visor.

She turned her gaze to him, seeing the worried look on his visor. He kept his eyes on the sky as little snowflakes fell on him.

She couldn't stop staring at this idiot drone... he makes her heart race, and he makes her nervous.

"W- well..." She said. So... it seems like she's going to tell him how she feels not in a few hours, days, or months... but now.

She wasn't prepared at all! She was a nervous mess stuttering a lot, and her visor shined purple.

"It's ok if you dont want to tell me... I was just worried for you. You've been acting strange." He said as he turned his gaze to her.

He noticed the blush on her visor. N pointed at her visor, "Uzi your purple agai-"

"N, I like you,"

N's eyes widened as little blush appeared on his visor.

"W- what." He mumbled. He paused as he tried to process what she had just said.

Uzi sighed as she turned away from him. "Never mind, it's stupid!" She said. If she had planned this, then maybe this would have gone well.

Suddenly, she felt arms wrap around her, pulling her into a warm, comforting hug. Her eyes widened.

"It's not stupid." He whispered as little yellow blush appeared on the side of his visor. It wasn't as visible as Uzi's, but it was there.

Still with widened eyes, little happy tears formed on her visor. She felt happy. Finally getting all of that weight off of her chest.

N had only been the only drone who had cared for her this much. Telling her that everything was going to be ok as long as they're all together.

"You're not going to... leave me if something bad happens again?" She mumbled. She was referring back to the camping trip where she nearly murdered everyone.

N giggled. "Of course not!" He with a bright smile.

Uzi quickly turned herself around to face N. She tightly hugged him as tears went down her visor.

And as little snowflakes around them fell onto the snow.

This was all that mattered to her. Simply laying beside him, watching the snow fall onto the ground, and the stars and holding his hand as she constantly stared at his golden eyes and soft smile.

As the two laughed and talked until the sun went up.

She finally got what she always wanted.

Simply wanting to be in love with him was what mattered to her.


The end!

My Short Murder Drones Stories Or Something IdkWhere stories live. Discover now