the drone pt 2

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(Nuzi oneshot)

After Uzi nearly kills N, he tries another attempt to befriend, which surprisingly worked.

And when that happens, Uzi is trying to find J to tell her to leave the colony, all while N follows her around to guide her and keep her safe.

(Kinda wanted to keep this one in the drafts for some reason. Mostly because I didn't really like it)

(Also, reminder: I don't proofread my stuff, so expect errors)

Word count: 3361

N simply roamed the hallways between the giant doors.

Knowing that the purple drone was probably going to return soon.

Well, that was what he thought...

As multiple days had passed.

It seems like the worker drones that worked here won't be returning anytime soon...

Suddenly, behind him, he heard footsteps. He quickly turned, seeing V with an angry look on her visor.

"They built another door," she said as she crossed her arms.

N blinked "what." He said.

"And we need you to find out how to get through that door." J said, glaring at him.

"You want... me to open that door?" He said as he turned to face to a door that was once opened.

His eyes widened, seeing that behind the opened door was another door that was sealed shut. He turned his gaze back to the two disassembly drones, but once he did, they were already off into the vents that led to who knows where.

So now he's again alone with his thoughts.

He looked around to figure out how to open the door. He tapped the door to see if it would open... for some reason? Then he swapped his hands for claws and clawed the door, which only left claw marks.

He tried shooting it, kicking it, and even knocking. He entered the vents because it seemed to be the only way. But... it only brought him right back.

To where he started.

Now, feeling his patience grow thin, he crossed his arms. That was until the door opened. His eyes widened, seeing the purple drone from last time.

The drone that tried to kill him.

She was holding a railgun as she looked around for a second until her eyes met his.

Without hesitation, she instantly shot at him with her railgun. He yelped and climbed onto the ceiling as he tried to hide somewhere in the corne

"How are you - how did you survive that!?" Uzi yelled as she looked up at the ceiling seeing the drones yellow eyed glowing through the darkness.

N nervously laughed. "I didn't!" He said. "When shooting at a disassembly drone, you don't shoot for the hea- oh wait... I wasn't supposed to say that!" He said as yellow pixelated blush appeared on his visor and sweat, showing how nervous he was.

She couldn't exactly see him, but she could clearly see his bright yellow eyes looking away from her for a second before looking right at her.

She had a weak smile on her face. "Thanks for telling me." She said, rolling her eyes.

She looked at her railgun, seeing that it was still recharging, so she had to wait... but having nowhere to go, her only choice is to stay and talk to this murder drone to get answers.

"So... murder dron-"

"N. The names N." He said, not letting her finish her sentence.

Uzi took a step back, preparing to run.

My Short Murder Drones Stories Or Something IdkDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora