the new servant

706 13 3


Basically, episode 5, but something went very wrong.

(Not proofread bc I wrote this at 1am, so expect many errors)

(Word count 3153)

Uzi glanced at the disassembly drones that were sitting against the wall with the words 'error' on their visors.

Uzi sighed as she clicked away on her computer. She was hacking into their heads, but suddenly, she started malfunctioning as static started to appear onto her visor. She fell off her chair as her visor started to say 'error 606'.

She didn't know what was going on, but she knew it hurt. She turned her gaze at the disassembly drones as she reached her hand out for them before everything became pitch black.


The floor felt rough it didn't feel like carpet at all.

Uzi could hear a familiar voice somewhere in the distance. She opened one of her eyes, noticing she was lying on the hard wooden floor.

"And soft golden coat!"

Uzi could hear a soft chuckle as She sat up as she rubbed one of her eyes. She looked around her surroundings, noticing she wasn't at home. There was a window in front of her but it was far away.

She squinted her eyes, seeing that it was raining hard outside. She stood up slowly using the wall, but as she looked at her side, she noticed this wasn't a wall... it was a bookshelf.

Weird.. something must've happened while trying to hack into both V's and N's memories.

Uzi grabbed a random book from the shelves as she turned to the first page.

But flinched as some books fell, making a lot of noise.

"Weird... these books are very old." She said but suddenly she heard footsteps from a distance.

She took a peak leaning from the bookshelves as she was unsure who was walking her away. But as she did, she realized they weren't approaching her they were walking away.
Her eyes widened, recognizing the white-haired drone.

A bright smile formed on her lips.

Quickly, she ran up to the drone and hugged him from behind.

Suddenly, the drone pushed her away.

"Who are you!?" The drone said as he backed away.

Uzi's eyes widened. "i- I thought you were someone else!?" She said. But she paused as she took a second to look at the drone.

She should've realized this, but this drone was shorter than her, and despite having the exact same hair color and style as N, he didn't look much like him.

"Are you a new drone? How come you're wearing this outfit? Did they change up the outfits already?" He said as he tugged at Uzi's hoodie.

"Outfit?" She asked as she raised a brow.

"They could throw you out if they see you wearing this, you know." He said, grabbing onto her hand and leading her away from the library.

"Throw... throw me out?" Uzi said as she didn't follow along with him.

"They'll throw you out and feed you to the crows," he said as he pointed at the window.

Uzi turned her gaze at the window. Her eyes widened as she saw a dead tree, and dead drones were tied against it as crows were stabbing them with their beaks, taking off wires, causing the drones to malfunction.

My Short Murder Drones Stories Or Something IdkWhere stories live. Discover now