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Uzi was having a bad day while also being very tired, so N helps her get some rest.

(Word count: 1133)

Uzi was fixing the landing pod.

But she looked a bit upset as she connected wires.

She had been having a hard time at school, at home, and working on the spaceship.

Only giving her more headaches and less time to spend with friends and family.

Well, she doesn't have many friends... and family is usually not there for her, so there's no point in going back.

N was simply sitting next to her as he watched.

He admired how the worker drone fixed the pod as a little smile formed on his lips. He was quite enterested as it was his first time seeing a worker drone... work.

He felt happy as his little syringe tail wagged.

"N, can't you give me a little bit of space?" She said, sounding annoyed.

N frowned a bit. He didn't have anything to do, and going out hunting for oil isn't really fun it's more of V's thing.

Uzi has been fixing the landing pod for days now... he can't stand watching her work on the landing pod for a few more hours. And whenever Uzi was not working on the spaceship, she would be at school or at home away from N.

What's the point of her coming over if she's not going to hang out with him.

He laid on the snow as he blankly stared up at the sky.

Uzi smiled. "Thanks." She said before turning her gaze back at the landing pod.

So bored... and wanting attention from Uzi. He wanted her to at least say "hello" to him.

Anything would make him happier than the silence.

He turned his gaze away from the sky to stare back at Uzi. He sat up.

Maybe all Uzi needed was a simple hug? Mostly because he knew her dad wouldn't hug her and she doesn't have many friends.

He smiled as he walked over to her.

Uzi was still working but perked up as she heard footsteps coming her way. But she shrugged it off, knowing that it was probably N finally leaving her alone.

Until she felt hands wrap around her, pulling her into a warm hug from behind.

Her eyes widened as her visor shined a bright purple due to how flustered she was.

She turned her gaze seeing N. "N!?" She said, now sounding angry. "

N's eyes widened as he backed away. "S- sorry!" He said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Can't you... just give me some space?" She said as she looked down, feeling bad for snapping at him.

N looked down again as he felt bad. He sat bad down onto the snow he placed a finger against his chin as she started thinking.

Ok, so a hug didn't do much... or anything at all. It simply made it worse. Maybe....

What could make Uzi feel better?

N continued to think.

Maybe he should try talking to her? She hasn't slept for a few days, only focusing on school work and the spaceship. So she must be very tired and exhausted.

N smiled brightly as he hit his fist into his palm, coming up with an idea.

Uzi yawned as she felt exhausted. She didn't even know it was possible for a worker drone to get tired of working. But it didn't matter anymore. She simply needs some rest. But she ignored the tired feeling as she continued to fix the landing pod.

She held up a cup of coffee as she leaned it towards her lips. She tried to fight the sleep. But how long will she be able to keep it together before falling asleep at any moment.

Until she felt someone grab her hand, stopping her from drinking any more coffee. "N?" Uzi muttered, sounding a bit tired.

"I think you need some rest." He smiled at her.

Uzi blinked, trying to process what had just happened before her visor shined purple again.

"I- I'm fine! Really!" She said with a fake smile. "J- just a little tired, that's all!" She said.

N stared at her with genuine concern for her health as he pulled her up from the ground.

"When was the last time you've slept?" He asked.

"Yesterday." She lied as she pushed her hand away from N before placing it into her pocket.

"Are you... sure?" He asked.

"Yeah... I'm sure. Why won't you just give me some space? Can't you see I'm working?" She asked.

"Yes, but I also see how exhausted you are! It's starting to worry me." He said.

Uzi sighed as she had given up on arguing as she leaned her head onto N's jacket. She shut her eyes. Maybe she should take this time to rest.

"Uzi?" He asked.

"Don't ask..." She muttered. She had never had someone care for her. No one had even noticed the exhausted drone sleeping during class at times. Sometimes, after school, she'll walk straight to the landing pod to continue her work, which is what causes these sleepless nights and days.

After a few minutes of standing like that, N realized that...

"Uzi, are you sleeping!?"

The little worker drone had fallen asleep after working on the landing pod for many hours.

N looked down at her, noticing the "sleep mode" on her visor.

Do worker drones sleep that fast?

He smiled as he picked her up bridal style and took her back home.

He knocked on the door as it opened.

Khan's eyes widened. "... oh?" He said. "So that's where she went..." he said.

"Why were you looking for her?" N asked as he raised a brow.

"She hadn't come home for a day, so I was getting worried," he shrugged,

N rolled his eyes as he walked past him.

N opened the door as he looked around. The room was clean, nearly untouched. And her bed was nicely done. But it looked quite dusty as if no one lived in this room for days.

N dropped her onto her bed. He smiled. He had finally stopped her from working any further on the space pod.

But it hit him.

He had forgotten why he tried to prevent her from working in the first place.

The whole point was to get her to pay attention to him... how did he forget that easily?

But now that Uzi gets some rest. Hopefully, she spends more time with him.

He walked out of the room and away from the colony as he climbed into the landing pod.

He sat on the pilot's chair and closed his eyes.

All of that work made him tired, too.

Maybe he should get some rest as well.


The end :D

My Short Murder Drones Stories Or Something Idkحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن