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"Order for Jake!" Brianna called out as she set the hot cup of coffee on the table. She turned back, walking into the break room, as the customer left with his drink. Taking her apron off, she grabbed her sweater saying her goodbyes to her coworkers as she was off for the next few days. When she got in her car she tried dialing Taras phone again, until she realized she had a few missed calls from Wes. Shit. She went to dial his number, unfortunately going to voicemail. He was still at school so maybe that's why he wasn't answering, Brianna thought. It didn't hurt to go check on them.

In the span of four years, she's gotten close to them all. Brianna always being the designated driver, staying them out of trouble, and being there for them when needed. She was especially close to Tara, considering how her sister Sam had left at eighteen, and her mom was barely in the picture.

After some time, she was now in front of the school. She noticed all of the kids sitting at a table, everyone besides Tara. Making her way to them, someone spoke up. "Oh, hey Bri. I was actually just about to call you." Bri turned to Wes finally reaching the table. "What happened? I saw your missed calls. And, where's Tara?" The kids winced, knowing that she wouldn't be too happy over the fact that they didn't tell her the news sooner. But to be fair, she didn't answer the calls. "I told Wes that it would be best to say it in person rather than text so..." Mindy said, turning to her friends, hoping someone would interject. Luckily for her, Amber did. "She got attacked, and she's in the hospital right now."

Brianna looked around at all of the teens, dumbfounded. "I'm sorry. What!? You're telling me Tara got attacked and I'm barely finding out about this? Is she okay?"

"She's alive, she's fine... But Ghostface is back." Chad said, wincing at the last part. Brianna had no words. Not only did Tara get attacked. But it was Ghostface who attacked her. "Guys. She's up." Wes said from the table, looking up from his phone to look at everyone else. "What are we waiting for? Let's go." Brianna said, walking to her car as the other kids followed.

She had realized how eerie hospitals really were when she had been in one herself back years ago, being stabbed in the stomach. The slight wind made her shiver. Or maybe it was finally setting in that Ghostface was really back. After what happened before with her and her dad, her nightmares seemed never ending, and now it was all coming back. She would have to remind herself to text him and let him know that ghostface was back. Or maybe it was better to go in person and let him know then.

Opening the door, she caught sight of the girl, furrowing her brows in worry. She didn't even want to imagine how she must have felt when she was getting attacked. How frightened the poor girl was feeling.

Brianna ran to her, engulfing her in a hug, being wary as to not hurt her. "Thank god you're alive." Tara returned the hug as much as her injuries allowed her to. "I'm okay." she murmured. After a while, they pulled back from the hug, and Brianna took a seat closest to Tara. The rest of the kids hugged Tara as well, before sitting down and sparking up a conversation. Being too scared to bring up the attacker. That was a topic for later.

It was said that Wes had called Sam to let her know about Tara. If Brianna was being honest, she wasn't too fond of Sam. Yes, she never met her, but leaving Tara by herself wasn't the brightest idea in her book. Now, to say she was surprised when she saw her walk in the hospital room was an understatement. The rest of the kids stood up waiting to greet Sam. Brianna on the other hand stayed put on her seat next to Tara.

"You came." Tara said. And, wow, did that hit Brianna in the chest. Hearing how surprised she was, and not believing her sister had actually come to check on her. Brianna didn't blame her. "Of course I came." Sam turned behind her, facing the guy that had also come with her. "This is my boyfriend, Richie."

"It's so nice to meet you. I'm so sorry if I'm intruding."

Sam went up to the teens to hug them. "Thank you for calling." She said, as she was pulling away from Wes. Brianna didn't fail to notice the wary look she sent her way. Brianna sending one back. Sam returned her gaze back to Wes, ruffling his hair. "Look at your hair. I like it."

"These are Chad and Mindy, the twins. And Wes. I used to babysit them all." She was now back standing next to Richie. "Which is always how I like to be introduced." Wes joked, making all the others chuckle, including Brianna. Sam refraining from stalling any longer, turned to where Amber and Brianna were. "And Amber. Hey."

"Hi. Nice to see you."

And finally, there was Brianna, still sitting down on her spot. Quite frankly, she didn't care that they had come all the way here for Tara. She didn't want to see the poor girl upset again once Sam would leave her a second time. "And this is..." Sam faced her, waiting for her to introduce herself. She knew who the girl was. Of course she knew, everyone in this room knew she was the daughter of Gale and Dewey. "Brianna."

It was now nearing night and Brianna was still at the hospital. Tara had asked her to stay and she gladly did. She was currently in the break room finding something to eat, when suddenly the door opened, revealing Sam on the other side. Great. Brianna tried to pay no mind to it, not wanting an awkward conversation to spark up. Hurrying up and grabbing two protein bars, she made her way to the door. But before she could even take more than two steps, the silence was broken by Sam Carpenter herself. "Fuck you." Did she hear that right? "Excuse me?" Brianna said, standing on the opposite side of the room. "Shit..." Sam turned to face the girl. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say that out loud."

"Oh, so you just meant to keep it to yourself and continue to insult me while I was gone-" "No. It's not what you think." She took a few steps towards Brianna, trying not to worsen the situation. "I sometimes see my dead dad..." She looked deep in thought. This is harder to explain to someone without revealing anything and sounding crazy. "It can get very annoying, especially when he says unwanted things." Brianna nodded in understanding. Maybe it was the way they were alone and finally having a one on one conversation, but she couldn't help but realize how pretty she was. But her mind went back to seeing Tara being hurt from her sister leaving. And without thinking "Why did you leave her?"

Sam looked at her, confusion evident on her face. The other girl scoffed. Like she has no idea what I'm talking about. Yeah right. "Tara. Why did you leave her?" She walked closer to Sam, crossing her arms waiting for an explanation. Sam furrowed her brows in annoyance, an exasperated sigh leaving her lips. "I don't need to explain anything to you." "You do when it involves Tara." She took another step closer. "Yeah, right. Who even are you?" Sam tested.

"Who am I?" Brianna raised her eyebrows as another scoff left her lips. She was now inches away from her. "I'm someone who was there for Tara when you weren't." She brought her pointer finger, and slightly pushed Sam by the chest. "You have no idea how hurt she's been. How many times she asks me if you'll ever be back. So yes, I do need an explanation. If not me, then you better have already told Tara." Satisfied with how stunned Sam looked, Brianna went for the door. "And it better be a good fucking explanation." and with that, the click of the door closing echoed through the room.

Sam stood there, taking in her words. A dejected look took over her face, before a phone call interrupted her thoughts.

an: hope you guys enjoyed the chapter.

y'all gotta bare with me tho cuz I'm still new at writing lol. Also I have no idea how people be making good looking covers. I tried my best.

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