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"What's going on?" Sam made her way to the living room, Brianna in tow. Chad pointed at the t.v where the news reporter was announcing a murder. "Their name's have just been released by the police. Jason Carvey and Greg Bruckner."

"Holy shit, that's that chode from our film studies class." Mindy turned to the group wide eyed. "The one obsessed with Argento." The news reporter continued in the background, and Brianna felt like her stomach could bring her down to the core of the earth from what she heard next. "Also found at the scene were various Ghostface costumes..."

It suddenly felt hard to breathe for Brianna, all the memories she thought she could put in the past were flooding back to her like a tsunami. One of the memories hitting harder than the rest. Dewey. She took a step back, suddenly feeling all too hot with this many people in one room. She ignored Sam's hand that was reaching out to her as she made her way to the kitchen, getting a glass of water and chugging it.

"Pack a bag. We leave in ten." Brianna heard Sam say, soon joining her in the kitchen as Brianna put her glass in the sink. She felt a hand rubbing on her back in comfort, and she couldn't help but let out a small smile as she saw Sam. It was short lasting as she then went searching for a knife. "Sam, wha– Hold on." Tara stammered, following her sister. She spared the t.v one last glance before turning to face Sam.

"Come on." The determined girl said, looking at Brianna and Tara before nodding and walking away. Brianna followed without question. "No, wait, let's talk about this for a second. Cause this might not have anything to do with us." Tara tried to argue, and Brianna wasn't sure if she was trying to convince them or herself. "Are you serious?" Sam exclaimed, facing her sister.

Brianna sighed, missing how, just a few minutes ago she was in Sam's room after confessing her love for the girl, making out. After this hell of a night, she wanted nothing more than to be holed up in the room with Sam, not having to worry about Ghostface suddenly making an appearance, coincidentally in the same city as them.

"Tara, this isn't a coincidence." Sam shook her head, glancing at the t.v. "You knew him!" Tara rolled her eyes. "Barely." Sam scoffed, looking at the twins for help. "Chad, Mindy, back me up." Chad rubbed his arm. "I mean, it is a little bit..."

"Close to home." Mindy finished for him, eating her popcorn. Apparently this was enough for Sam as she faced her sister. "See?" Tara looked at Brianna who was still standing next to Sam, a pleading look on her face. Brianna shrugged not wanting to get in the middle of this. Quite frankly, she was on Sam's side on this one. Before Tara could deflate in defeat, her eyes shot up and motioned to Quinn. "You're dad's a cop, right? Can you call him and find out what's going on?" Before she could answer, Tara swiftly turned to Sam. Brianna almost thought she could have gotten whiplash. "Before you make the unilateral decision to abandoned my college education and flee the fucking state!"

"Well, there is online school." Brianna muttered from her spot. If Tara heard her, she chose not to acknowledge it. "I'm calling him now." Quinn said, phone in hand. "Thank you" The few seconds of calm were short lasting as a phone started ringing from the dining table. The room went silent as Brianna slowly walked up to her phone when she realized it was her phone. Her breathing slowly started to pick up the closer she got.

She sighed in relief when she read the contact name 'Mom'. She declined the call and put her phone back on the table. She was still upset at the fact that her mom had said she wouldn't make another book out of what happened last year, and she still did. Not only that, but she insulted her and Sam in said book.

"Why did everyone just freak out when her phone rang?" Ethan stated from his spot in the living room. Anika rolled her eyes, emphasizing with her hands. "You gotta keep up, my dude."

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