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Getting winded from the fall, Brianna tried her best to take deep breaths. She noticed the other two on the floor reaching for the gun that was nearby. Brianna, with her good leg, pushed herself closer to the gun and succeeded as she was getting closer by the second. Before she could get her hands on it, someone else took it from her.

Sam stood tall, aiming the gun at the killer. "Yes! Yes!" Richie cheered, making his way down the stairs.

"Shoot him!" Sidney tried to scream, only to come out as a wheeze. Before Brianna could say her own words, Richie had gotten closer to Sam, feigning his relief when suddenly he brought a knife out, stabbing Sam in the stomach.

Brianna muttered a small no at the scene. "Cause I really, really wanted to be the one to kill you." His facade disappeared in a matter of a second, now wearing a smirk on his face. He twisted the knife, causing Sam to let out loud groans.

Adrenaline kicked in, and soon, Brianna stood up and pushed Richie, causing them to stumble to the ground. The knife left in Sam's stomach as he let go of it, while his other hand had dropped the gun. Brianna straddled him on the ground, now realizing she had no weapon, she resorted to using her hands instead. Throwing punch after punch.

Amber reacted faster than the other two victims, quickly snatching the gun from the floor. She aimed her gun at Brianna and shot the side of her stomach, immediately after, aiming the gun back at the other two, daring them to make a move. "Are you done now?" Amber with an unimpressed look, asked the girl that was wriggling in pain, holding her hands on the wound. Richie groaned as he stood back up, wiping the blood off his face. He made his way back to where Sam was, ready to continue his speech as if he didn't just get beat up. "Sam, next time tell your little girlfriend to control herself."

Amber took a hold of Sidney by the hair, aiming the gun at her head. Both silently agreed to ignore Brianna as they knew she wouldn't be trying anything soon. They continued on with their long speech about creating a movie and all that nonsense. Brianna couldn't keep up with them as she was trying to not lose blood and die right then and there.

At the corner of her eye, she noticed the four of them standing up, the killers guiding them to the kitchen, leaving Brianna behind. That was until Richie then came back, grabbing her hair and forcing her up. He led her to the kitchen and dropped her down next to Sam.

She groaned, resting her head on the cabinet behind her. Sam brought her arm up to Brianna's chin, making her face her. "Hey. Stay with me." She muttered. Brianna nodded, leaning into the girl's touch before she retracted her hand back. Brianna watched as Sam started to pull herself up. With all the strength she could muster, she joined next to her, leaning against the counter.

"Hey baby, you want to go get the very ex-Mrs. Riley?"

Amber hopped on her feet in excitement. "Yeah, I do." She walked out the door. Now that there was only one killer in the room, Sidney used this as an opportunity to reach for a weapon. Richie caught her before anything could ensue, standing in her way. "Sidney Prescott. Y'know, I'm a really big fan." He walked closer to her.

Brianna took hold of Sam's hand that was resting on the counter, not caring what she would think. If she was going to die today, she could at least find some kind of comfort. Sam returned the gesture, intertwining her hand and holding tighter.

Richie continued on with his rant. "They don't fucking understand that these movies are important to people!"

"Richie." Sam mumbled.

He turned to Sam, a determined look on his face, holding his gun just a little tighter. "We're gonna help them!" Brianna flinched, holding Sam's hand tighter, afraid he would get trigger happy and end up shooting her. "Hollywoods totally fucking out of ideas. So we decided we'd give them some new source material to follow. Because that's how you make a great Stab movie. "Based on actual events.""

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