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Brianna heard the door slam shut as she made her way to the kitchen, passing by Quinn. "Uh, where did Tara just go?" She put her dirty plate on the sink, quickly washing it. "Did she not tell you? She went to the party she's been talking about this whole week." Quinn mindlessly took a bite out of her cookie.

"What? She told Sam she wasn't going." She put the now dried plate in the cabinet, crossing her arms, leaning against the counter. "You really think she's gonna listen to her." Said Quinn, chuckling. Brianna groaned, arms limping to the side in defeat knowing the girl was right. "Sam's gonna be pissed."

"Yeah she is." Quinn laughed some more, making her way out of the kitchen.

Brianna could understand how Tara must be feeling, she wasn't going to lie and say Sam isn't watching her every move (at least trying to), but she could also understand where Sam was coming from. She sighed, might as well wait for Sam to come back from therapy and help deal with it.

Following Quinn, her eyes set on the taser Tara was supposed to take whenever she went out, and her eyes rolled. "And she didn't take her taser either." She said more so to herself than Quinn. She bumped against the other girl as she stopped in her tracks. Quinn turned around to face Brianna, wincing. "You might want to throw on some headphones, or blast the music really loud in an hour or so."

"Again?" Unsurprising.

"My life is about variety, Okay."

She paused, a smirk forming on her lips. "Unless," her eyes gleamed with something Brianna couldn't put her finger on. "You want to join us." Her smirk only grew once she saw the face the older girl made.

"Uh, no." Said Brianna, as if it wasn't anymore obvious. She was used to Quinn's antics, just recently she started teasing her. Both girls knew that she didn't mean it, but it was just too easy for Quinn to mess with the girl.

"Okay, okay," she put her hands up in surrender. "It's just last time I asked, you said you were single. I want to keep your options open. I mean, Cmon, when's the last time you had sex."

Brianna groaned at Quinn's probing. "That's unimportant." Both Sam and Brianna had agreed to not tell anyone about their relationship until they were ready. Although for the most part, it was Sam who didn't feel ready yet, and Brianna completely respected that.

"Exactly." Quinn made her way to her room now, not before reminding Brianna that she will have someone over.

"Hey!" Sam came in, taking off her jacket. She looked around warily when no one else responded. "Tara?" She made her way to the hallway. "Bri?" She noticed the door of Bris' room slightly open, and as she made her way closer she could hear the faint music that was playing.

A thud was heard from behind her and she froze. With confirmation that she wasn't hearing things, she turned around at the sound of moaning. She walked slowly and carefully, her mind going back to a year ago.

She sighed in relief once she realized it was her roommate. "Quinn!" Her hand ran through her hair.

The girl stumbled out, out of breath. "Were we being too loud?"

Sam chuckled. "Not at all. Have you seen Tara?"

Quinn winced. "Um... don't be mad."

"Why would I be mad?" Her eyebrows soon began to furrow. "Because you get mad."

Sam's confusion increased, she couldn't help but want to peek inside the room. "Is that Paul? Also where's Brianna?"

"Who the fuck is Paul?"

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