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Brianna sat in between Tara and Sam, staring at all of the photo evidence that detective Bailey had out in display. She sighed, bouncing her leg up and down, impatiently waiting for Bailey to return to the room. She felt a hand rest on her knee which caused her to gaze at Sam, a motion that didn't go unnoticed by Tara. Sam's thumb rubbed in circles, making the bouncing stop.

The door knob twisted, making all three girls sit a little straighter. "This was found next to the body at the apartment crime scene." Detective Bailey took a seat across from them, showing them a Ghostface mask. He set it down on the table. "DNA says that it belonged to someone named Richie Kirsch."

The three girls glanced at each other. "Does that ring a bell?" Brianna scoffed. "Yeah, it definitely does."

"We're familiar with him."

"But the one that attacked us had a different mask on." The younger girl noticed. "It was kinda more beat up. Like it was older."

Bailey nodded, rubbing his chin. "I gotta ask." He cleared his throat. "Do you have alibis for earlier tonight?"

Tara was the first to respond, letting him know that she was at a party with her friends. Following up with Sam, who said she was with her therapist before meeting up with Tara.

Eyes then landed at Brianna and she shrugged. "I was home with Quinn, then went with Sam to meet with Tara."

"Where I tased someone." Sam said from beside her. Why did she have the need to say that? Brianna had no clue. But it did bring a smile on her face remembering the look Sam had after tasing the guy. "Completely unrelated." She shook her head. Bailey furrowed his brows in confusion, his head slightly tilting to the left.

"Was that before or after this happened." He said, grabbing his phone, that very clearly showed the video of the girls that threw a drink at Sam.

The video ended when the girl's phone seemed to be thrown in the air and landed on the ground. Brianna sighed in relief when it didn't show that it was her that was the cause of the phone flying away.

"Before." Sam said in a low voice.

Tara rolled her eyes, seeming as if this was going nowhere. "The point is, we were with people all night."

"So, our roommate's dad just happened to pull our case." With what happened last year, Sam didn't seem to trust many people anymore. Even if it also meant the Detective himself. Bailey gave a tight lipped smile. "That'd be a crazy coincidence, right? The detective who had the case, he offered it to me because it involves Quinn."

Brianna squinted her eyes at him. He said that too quickly for her liking, almost as if he knew she was going to say that and had the line ready in his head. "But I can totally give it back if you're uncomfortable."

Before Brianna could say that, yes that would be great actually. Sam beat her to it. "It's fine." Brianna eyed her girlfriend, but Sam didn't look back at her, choosing to continue looking forward, opting to rest her hand on the girl's knee again.

"So if the man who attacked you did steal your license and plant it next to the body. It'd probably be someone close to you."

Brianna slumped back in her seat, this situation becoming way too familiar. She thought of how the rest of the week would have gone for her if ghostface had never made a rude appearance again. She would have been spending her time going out to eat with Sam. Catch up with Danny, maybe have a few drinks. She knew the movie night was coming up with everyone in the friend group.

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