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"So are we going to talk about the two of you?" Tara said from beside both girls, eyeing the way they held hands and were closer than usual to each other as they walked. They were making their way to meet up with Mindy and the rest to discuss this whole situation. And by discuss, it means Mindy explaining the rules and choosing the suspects just like last year. "Sam, you're being more touchy than usual." The younger girl pointed out.

"We're dating." Sam tried to sound as calm as ever, but Brianna could hear the falter in her voice, as well as see the red tint of her cheeks. "Ohhh, who asked who first?" Tara's eyes widened in excitement.

Brianna chuckled, looking down at her feet. "Sam made the first move."

A gasp left Tara's mouth. "Really? And here I thought you would be the one to make the move first."

"What?" Sam asked slightly offended.

"What." Tara laughed. "I mean, with what happened last time, I assumed you would be..." Tara gestured with her hands. "Afraid?" She finished as a question, not wanting to push any of her sister's buttons, especially not with something that happened last year.

Sam scoffed. "Hey, I can make the first move, too." Tara eyed the way Sam brought Brianna closer to her, who looked like a lost puppy just happy to be there. "Yeah I can tell." Tara chuckled.

"So when did you guys start dating? Yesterday? A few days ago? I mean I only noticed you guys being 'touchy' with each other yesterday." The girl eagerly asked, wanting to know more. When she noticed the other two not answering, she stared at them.

Her eyes widened slightly at the almost guilty looks they had. "No. You guys have been dating for longer?" Disbelief written all over her face. This got her to stop, which happened to be a few feet away from her friends. Just far enough so they couldn't hear their conversation, but close enough for them to look at the three in confusion.

Brianna sheepishly nodded. Tara groaned in pain, hand on her heart. "And you didn't tell me?"

Sam rolled her eyes at her sister's antics, nonetheless smiling. "C'mon let's not make them wait any longer." She said, gesturing with her free hand at the rest of her friends.

"At least tell me I was the first to know." Tara said, catching up with the other two as they started walking again. Brianna winced. "Actually it was Danny." At the look of confusion in the girl's eyes as to why their neighbor would know, she explained. "Sam was fine with him knowing because she was jealous thinking he would want to get with me." Brianna chuckled as Sam playfully hit her on her shoulder. "But you are the first to know in our friend group."

"I'll take it." Tara said, taking her seat in between Chad and Ethan. The other two girls sat by Anika and Quinn.

"I'm sorry, Tara is the first to know about what exactly." Mindy questioned. Her eyes gazed lower at her two friends that were holding hands. "That's new." She pointed.

"We're dating." Sam announced, bringing her hand up, showing the rest of the group their held hands. Everyone whooped and congratulated the girls.

"Ohh." Quinn looked up at the sky, mouth in an 'o' shape. "Now it makes sense why you always said no when I offered you to join me and the dudes I had over."

"What!?" Everyone exclaimed, including Sam. Brianna groaned, dragging her hand down her face.

"O-kay. Let's move on." Mindy said, clapping her hands once. Brianna felt eyes still staring at her, and she turned around, sheepishly chuckling up at Sam.

She got closer to her ear. "We're talking about this later." Sam whispered, the warm air hitting Brianna's ear making her shiver.

"As terrifying as this all is, I'm actually glad I get a chance to redeem myself for not catching the killers last time." Mindy spoke out loud, gesturing with her hands as she spoke.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 27 ⏰

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