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The stars were shining in the night sky as Tara sat in the backseat of a car, with Richie in the driver's seat. They had crossed paths with Sidney on the way out, demanding to speak to Sam, the three giving them space to talk, not before Brianna was stopped by her mother on the way out, asking her what the meaning of this was. Brianna had to explain to her that, yes, she was in fact leaving town. Gale understood why she would want to leave, but still insisted on her staying back to help get rid of Ghostface.

Their conversation cut short when arguing was heard just not too far from them, none other than Sidney, and Sam. Gale interjected with their conversation, adding more reason as to why they should all finish the job once and for all.

Richie drove to the front of the hospital as he saw them outside. "Let's get the fuck out of town, huh?" He honked the horn, as if they weren't right there where they could see him. Brianna rolled her eyes at the unnecessary noise. "Sorry, that's my–" Her eyes averted towards Brianna for a split second before going back to Sidney. "–boyfriend, Richie." The two adults sighed, watching the girl walk towards the car, Brianna following behind. "Nice to meet– we met." He said, avoiding eye contact, turning his gaze at the steering wheel. "Sam, please get in the car so we never have to see these people again."


"No, we're leaving." she said, turning to look at Sidney one last time. "It's the only way I can protect Tara."

In defeat, Sidney nodded, knowing there was nothing she could do to change her mind. "Okay. Good luck." Sam looked at them both. "You, too." At that, she got in the car. Richie, seeming as if he was in a rush, drove away.

It hadn't been long since they had been driving, when Tara started frantically looking around. "You okay?" Brianna asked in worry. Tara ignored her, turning on the lights. "Fuck, where is it?"

"Where's what." Sam said, turning around to face her sister. She gave a quick glance at Brianna, silently asking her what was up. Brianna all but shrugged, having no clue what was going on. "My inhaler. I usually keep an extra one." She urgently said, making a mess of her bag, desperately trying to find her missing inhaler. "Should we go back?"

"Woah, okay. I vote for not going back to the murder Hospital." Richie added.

"You want to stop at the Pharmacy?"

Tara shook her head. "I'd need a prescription. But I left an extra one at Amber's. Her house is on the way." Richie furrowed his eyebrows, disbelief evident on his face. "No. No." He looked at Sam, shaking his head. "I'd be in and out." Tara desperately said. "Think you could hold out till Modesto?" Brianna tried to reason. In the end, she would not get mad for what Tara decides, but she wanted to leave as soon as possible. "I don't think so."

"Okay, what's the address?"

"123 No Fucking Way Lane." He looked at Sam in bewilderment, wondering why they would want to go back. "Richie, she needs it."

"And I need to keep all the blood inside my body. So do you."

"Richie, please." Tara pleaded one last time. Brianna put her arm around her, trying to keep her as calm as possible. "Richie, I swear to god." Brianna said in alarm. "Okay, yeah, Fuck. What's the goddamn address?"

As they were rolling in, Brianna sighed. Not surprised that the teens were having a party. Leave it to them to do it in the middle of a killing spree. As if reading her mind. "Who has a party in the middle of a killing spree?" Richie said, putting the car in park. "I'll go in quickly and get it. I'll be back in five." Sam said, making her way out. "I'm coming too." Tara took her seatbelt off, joining her sister. Without saying a word, Brianna also made her way out, not wanting to stay alone with Richie. She grabbed one of her crutches, considering they will be in and out, she didn't feel the need to bring both.

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