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Sheriff Judy was pacing back and forth, trying to understand what all happened with the attack on Sam. Brianna realized how lucky she was. Only seconds after she left was when Sam apparently got the call from ghostface. If she had stayed any longer, maybe she could have gotten hurt again like last time. Or maybe she could have helped Sam and actually been able to catch ghostface.

"Or, and I'm just spit-balling here. You're the killer." Richie interrupted her thoughts from beside her, throwing an accusatory look at Amber's way. "And where were you when all this happened?" The sheriff interjected, furrowing her brows. "I was... watching Netflix."

Brianna zoned out with the rest of the conversation he and Amber were having, instead thinking back to an hour ago. When she had gotten back from the breakroom, Richie was nowhere to be found, and only returned a few minutes after Brianna, saying he had gone to the bathroom. At the time she didn't think much of it, but now thinking about it, he could have easily been the one to attack Sam. "And where were you?" The sheriff turned to Brianna, breaking her from her trance. "I came back here as soon as I left the breakroom." Judy opened her mouth, but it was as if Brianna knew what she was going to say, so she continued. "Tara was still sleeping, so no I guess I don't have a solid alibi either." Judy nodded, writing stuff down on her notepad. Brianna failed to see the accusatory look Sam shot her way.

Before Brianna could ask Judy to question more about Richies' so-called alibi, Sam interrupted. "You're gonna put more cops on her room, right?"

Judging by how the conversation was going between Sam and the sheriff, Brianna could conclude, they didn't get along very well. I mean, she knew Sam caused trouble back then, but she didn't know to what extent. It became more evident when Judy asked her to step outside with her to talk, only returning a few minutes later.

"You okay?" Tara asked her sister.

"Um... would you mind giving us a second?" She said. After what Brianna said not too long ago, it was best to get it out of the way and tell Tara everything she needed to know. She was tempted to let Brianna stay as well. If she was looking over Tara this whole time she was gone, she had the right to know. But after the attack? Sam couldn't be too sure she wasn't the one behind it.

They all left waiting outside of the door, Amber on the other hand, let them know she was going back home. Richie and Brianna stood by the door. They couldn't help but hear the conversation that was going on inside. After hearing Sam explain why she left, Brianna sighed in frustration, dragging a hand down her face. She knew the conversation was coming to an end when she heard Tara scream out to Sam, followed by the door opening. "Were you both listening at the door?" They both nodded, Brianna having an exasperated look on her face. "Before you say anything, no I don't care that Billy is your father. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go check on Tara." She reached for the door.

Sam furrowed her brows. "And where were you? I got the call from ghostface as soon as you left the breakroom." Brianna stopped, now faced with Sam blocking the door. "Are you accusing me of being ghostface?" Her eyes narrowed.

Sam all but blinked, not saying a word. Brianna could see it in her face though, the look of accusation. Brianna scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Look, if you're going to question anyone, maybe start with your boyfriend." Richie put his hands up, acting as if she didn't know what she was talking about, only irritating the girl more. "When I left, I went straight back here and he wasn't there."

Brianna knew if they continued this conversation, they would cause a scene. She walked past Sam, bumping her on the shoulder, to finally do what she said she was going to do, and check on Tara, not bothering to look behind her. Richie had to stop Sam from her shoulders, because he too didn't want a scene to ensue.

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