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Just like that, two more people were killed. Brianna was at the crime scene. The mumbling around her muted. All she could focus on was the body that was zipped up in a bag, very clearly Wes. Her heartbeat increased by the second, pounding in her ears, wishing it was his heartbeat instead. "Excuse me, you can't be here." She flinched, hadn't realized she crossed the tape surrounding the place. Before she could say anything, Dewey interrupted. "She's with me." He extended his arms, knowing his daughter needs a hug at this moment. The cop backed up, allowing Brianna to sprint to her dad, engulfing him in a hug. "It's okay." He said, rubbing on her back. She all but cried, not having anything to say. How many more of her friends was ghostface going to kill before they got caught? Were they even going to get caught? What if they succeeded this time and killed every single one of them.

A voice interrupted their moment. Brianna pulled away, wiping her tears that were falling. "A text?" Her mother. Great. Gale made contact with Dewey's arm. "Ow!"

"You tell me the killer is back through text?" She threw in a few more punches at his arm. As Gale continued, completely trying to ignore her daughter's existence, Brianna noticed the camera crew in the back. She rolled her eyes. Of course that's the reason why she would be here in the first place. And it was as if Dewey was reading her mind. "Couldn't resist a good story, could you?" He brought his arms, resting them on his hips. "Don't be an idiot, Dewey. I was here because I was worried about you." As if finally seeing her presence, she turned to Brianna. "And you too."

She nodded, rolling her eyes, almost wanting to believe it. "You don't have to lie to me. You never wanted me anyway." She walked away, knowing if they kept talking, it would turn into an argument. Gale brought her arm up, trying to stop her daughter, but Dewey interjected, throwing his own arm to stop Gale. "She's been through enough. She doesn't need another argument right now."

Brianna noticed Sam standing by, and she made the senseless decision to walk up to her. "Can you believe this?" She shook her head. As much as she didn't want to talk about this, she had the urge to spark a conversation with her. And what better way to start a conversation than to talk about dead people.

"Yeah, how much longer can this go on for." Sam agreed, hand rubbing on her forehead in frustration. "I'm sorry about Wes. You probably knew him more than me now." She turned her head to Brianna, sympathy shown on her face. Brianna tried her best to give her a smile but ultimately failed. "Thanks."

A moment of silence was shared between the girls as they stared at each other wondering what to say. Brianna took this time to admire all the features Sam had, how those brown eyes stared right at her soul as if she could read everything on her mind.

"I'm not sorry for thinking you could possibly be Ghostface, but you can't blame me." Brianna let out a breath, hands on hips. "Do you still think it's me?"

"Look, you've been through this already. You should know to 'never trust no one'." Brianna stayed quiet, as much as she didn't want to admit it, she was right. The same way she trusted Jill is what led her to get stabbed. "But, Tara seems to really trust you. Admire you even. With the way Tara talk about you, I don't want it to be you. You're a good person." Sam gazed at Brianna as she stared back at her. 

Brianna wasn't sure if it was the slight wind that caused Sam's cheeks to redden or not. At her silence, Sam took this opportunity to continue, clearing her throat. "Now excuse me, I need to make a call to Richie." Brianna nodded, uncertain of the feeling in her stomach that was brewing at the sound of Richie's name. Was she getting sick?

She shrugged it off, looking around trying to find her dad. Luckily he was nearby, talking to an officer. She squinted her eyes, walking closer. It was the same officer that was supposed to be watching over Tara at the hospital. Screaming engulfed the area, demanding to know who was watching over Tara, Sam soon following behind Brianna. The taller woman scoffed after learning no one was watching over her sister, and ran to her car. 

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