3. She's cute though

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I wake up in a room that doesn't look familiar. Where am I? Oh, right! Now I remember... I met Cate Blanchett and Sandra Bullock yesterday!

There's a knock on the door.

D: Hey! I'm Dash. Can I come in?

Y: Yes! -he enters.

D: How was your sleep?

Y: Really well, actually.

D: So... It's 10am. You can stay here and have lunch with all of us; Sandy is staying. What do you say?

Y: I think I should head home. We have a lot of homework, and I haven't even started.

D: Yeah, me neither.

Y: I'll change and say goodbye to your mom and Sandy.

D: Okay, I'll be in the living room with them.

I change into the clothes I wore yesterday and make my way to the living room. They're all sitting on the couch, engrossed in the TV. Cate is the first to spot me.

C: Oh, hi Y/N! Did you sleep well?

Y: Yes, perfectly, thank you.

S: Are you staying for lunch? I can take you home after that.

Y: No, I'm sorry. I have to go home. We have a lot of homework.

C: Dash, you should be doing that instead of watching TV then...

D: Okay mooom... -he hugs me goodbye and goes to his room.

C: Do you want to have breakfast?

Y: No, it's okay. I'm not hungry.

C: I'll take you home then!

Y: Oh no! I'll walk, thank you.

C: Again, that wasn't a question, honey. I'm taking you home -I nod.


We're already in the car, and I'm providing Cate with directions to my apartment.

Y: It's here, thank you.

C: Okay. Have a great day! I hope I'll see you again soon! -she winks at me.

Y: Me too! Bye! -I leave the car, feeling a blush on my cheeks, and enter my apartment.

I reside on my own. Securing an affordable apartment for solo living was a bit of a feat, but somehow, I managed. Financially, my parents are lending their support since I'm currently not employed.

I don't often feel lonely here. Dash visits frequently, which makes a significant difference. However, I genuinely enjoy solitude. This is one reason I don't have many friends, coupled with my trust issues, but that's another story.

My parents also drop by on some weekends. They are divorced. My mom, despite her penchant for reorganizing my belongings, is someone I truly adore. On the other hand, my dad doesn't visit as frequently, but he's incredibly kind and often treats me to a movie since he knows it's something I love.

I dedicate the day to homework and studying, opting for an early bedtime as I have an early morning ahead, needing to wake up at 6 am for university.


Cate's pov

I drive back home after dropping off Y/N at hers and settle on the couch with Sandy.

S: So what? -she looks at me with a smirk on her face.

C: What? -I really don't know what this woman is going to say. She's crazy, so I expect anything.

S: You and the girl. What's going on?

C: What girl? Y/N?

S: Of course, Cate! I saw you looking at her throughout the entire movie yesterday. And how you looked at her this morning...

C: What?! Omg, Sandy I could never! She's too young for fuck's sake!

S. Okay, okay... No need to scream then.

C: You're crazy... -I say, looking away- She's cute though...

S: Aha! I told you! I knew it!

C: But hush! Remember that she's my son's best friend, so nothing's gonna happen.

S: Yeah, right...


Y/N's pov

I awaken to the sound of my alarm. Ugh, I despise early mornings. I opt for a comfy outfit and decide to go makeup-free since I'm only heading to uni for a brief two-hour session today.

Now, all that's left is to wait for Dash. He consistently picks me up since I don't have a driving license, and he insists I avoid the subway daily, claiming that more than an hour in there is too much. Personally, I don't mind the subway, but going with him is, of course, my preferred choice.

I receive a text from him.

D :)  Feeling unwell today. I won't be able to make it. My mom is on her way to your place to give you a ride there ;)

Me  Hope you feel better soon!! <3 No need for her to come; I could've taken the subway

D :)  You know I won't allow you to do that...

Meanwhile, I receive a text from an unkown number.

Unknown  Hi! It's Cate. Dash shared your number with me. I'm outside. Please hurry because I couldn't find a parking spot!

I can't believe Cate Blanchett just sent me a text!

Me  I'm coming!

I step outside and spot her. It's 7 am; how can she look so beautiful this early? I hop in, we exchange greetings, and she gives me a warm hug.

C: You didn't even say hi.

Y: What?

C: In the text, you didn't even say hello -she says, obviously with a smirk.

Y: Oh! Sorry! You said hurry, so I tried to go as fast as I could.

C: It's okay -she says, laughing.

The drive remains mostly silent, but eventually, I decide to break the silence.

Y: So... Is Dash okay?

C: Not really. He has a fever.

Y: Oh... I'll go visit this afternoon.

C: Or... I'll come pick you up in two hours, go to your house, you pack a bag and you stay tonight in my house. What do you say? Sandy is still there; she didn't leave yesterday.

Y: I don't think Dash wants me around that much when he's ill.

C: You spend a little time with him, and you spend the rest with me... And Sandy, of course...

How can I possibly decline such an offer?

Y: Okay.

C: We're here! See you in two hours then?

Y: Yes!


A/n: Hello again!!!

Thank you to everybody who is reading this story!!

Don't forget to tell me what you think about it :))

Remember that if you see any mistake with the writing don't hesitate to tell me and I'll fix it. English is not my first language so don't be afraid to notify me if you see any mistakes.

I also wanted to say that I start University tomorrow so maybe it'll take me a little bit longer to post the next chapter. I hope not!

Take care of yourselves, hope you're having a great day!

Juls <3

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