8. Talk to her

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Cate: So... I know we've only known each other for a few days, but I've felt it since the first day, and I want to be honest with you. I know this is wrong, and that's precisely why I'm doing this. I had a great time today, and in all the days we've spent together, but this... whatever this is, has to stop. Because I'm... I'm developing feelings for you, and I know it's not appropriate. You're my son's best friend, I'm much older than you... This could never be right. So, I think we should stop seeing each other. It's okay if you come to my house to spend time with Dash, but just don't talk to me, please. Because if you do, it's going to be so much harder. -she suddenly turns cold, her entire mood changes- I'm so sorry, Y/N. You're an amazing person and you deserve someone right for you. Goodbye. -and she leaves.

I struggled to process everything she had said. I was left speechless, unable to articulate my feelings in response. She didn't give me the chance to express myself. Admittedly, she's right, anything romantic between us would be wrong. However, a lingering question gnawed at me: What if we both shared the same feelings? Until now, I hadn't considered the possibility, but her revelation had left me uncertain and confused.

My mind is a whirlwind of conflicting thoughts. A part of me contemplates that if we share mutual feelings, perhaps we should pursue it. Yet, the other part acknowledges the inherent wrongness, recognizing the potential hurt it could cause to those around us. Still, I can't shake the thought: what if avoiding each other is causing us more pain than we realize?

I'm lost in confusion, and I realize I need to talk to someone about all of this. However, I can't confide in Dash. Maybe I can share my feelings without revealing it's his mom? No, that would be too complicated. I'll have to let him know that the date didn't go well without divulging the details.


Next day, after uni

Dash was absent from uni this morning, but he insisted I come to his house afterward. I'm not sure if I'm prepared to face Cate, but I couldn't turn down Dash's request.

Dash opens the door and guides me to the kitchen, where Cate is. We exchange a simple greeting.

D: So, spill the details! How was the date? Did you know, mom, Y/N went on her first date yesterday? -he exclaims with enthusiasm, but at this moment, all I wish for is to vanish.

C: Oh really! How was it? -she chimes in, and I can't help but feel a surge of frustration.

Y: Good...

D: Are you gonna meet her again? What was her name? E... something, I don't know -he bombards me with questions, and I struggle to find the right words.

Y: Elise. No, I don't think so. I wanna talk to her and clear some things up because she didn't let me explain myself yesterday -I respond, the tension palpable between me and Cate.

D: So talk to her!

Y: She doesn't want me to. I think she would avoid me if I tried to talk to her.

C: I... I think you should try and talk to her -her face registers a hint of regret as she processes my response.

D: Great! Let's head to my room, and you can spill all the details!


I laid out the entire situation to Dash without revealing that it involves his mother, and that encompassed keeping the reason why she doesn't want to see me undisclosed.

D: But I'm confused. If the date was so fun, why doesn't she wanna see you again?

Y: I suppose she just didn't feel a connection with me... I'm not sure, Dash. Can we talk about something else, please?


We spend the rest of the afternoon together, and he doesn't bring up the subject again.

As I descend the stairs, bidding farewell to Dash and making my way down, I notice Cate approaching.

C: I'm sorry... I didn't realise I didn't let you talk, I was being selfish. Please, go ahead now.

We sit on the couch, maintaining as much distance as possible between us.

Y: This is awkward... um... I concur with your decision, as I don't share the same feelings, and I wouldn't want things to become uncomfortable... Goodbye -why on earth did I lie? Of course, I have feelings for her!

I get up and leave.


I can't explain why those words slipped out. Perhaps, fear took over, and admitting the truth seemed too daunting. Saying it aloud feels like making it more real, and I'm not ready for that acknowledgment. After all, she made it clear that nothing could ever happen. I should be focusing on my exams, not dwelling on these complicated emotions.




Hope you like it! It's kinda sad tho...

Please please please tell me what you think cuz I love when you comment, it really helps <3

Thank you for reading, ily!

Hope ur okay,

Juls <3

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