6. Good night

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It's 5 am, and sleep eludes me. My mind has been consumed by thoughts of her for hours. Today, she has been exceptionally good to me, displaying immense kindness. The warmth and kindness she exudes only add to the allure. She seems too perfect, and I find myself grappling with the overwhelming feelings. In an attempt to clear my mind, I decide to head to the kitchen for a glass of water, hoping it might bring some clarity to the tumultuous thoughts swirling within me.

I find myself in the kitchen, sipping water, and the sound of approaching footsteps catches my attention. I silently hope it's Dash and not her.

C: Hello. What's keeping you up at 5 am?

Y: I couldn't sleep, so I came for a glass of water.

C: Understandable. Exam nerves?

Y: Yeah, exams and all. And what about you? Why are you awake?

C: Same boat. Couldn't catch some sleep.

This conversation feels awkward. Downing my glass, I hurry to leave the kitchen and head towards my room. As I reach for the door, she interrupts me, gripping my wrist and gently turning me to face her. Our proximity is unnervingly close, our faces mere inches apart, and her gaze locks onto mine.

C: You're not even going to say good night before you leave?

Y: I... Good night -I manage to say.

She pins me to the wall, our eyes locked, noses touching. And then, without saying a word, she just leaves, leaving me there in utter confusion.

I retreat to my room, attempting to catch some sleep, though I know it will be an impossible task after the unsettling encounter.

She enters my room after a few minutes, approaching me directly.

I sit up, and she joins me, her gaze piercing into my soul.

C: You're quite the silent one, aren't you? -I just swallow, unable to utter a word.

We lock eyes, and the intensity of the moment seems to stretch on forever.

C: Oh, to hell with it!

She leans in, hovering over me, and our lips meet in a passionate kiss. She's touching my body and I'm touching hers. This is the best feeling I've had in my life. If only it were real. Wait! What?

And I wake up.

I awaken to the jarring noise of my alarm, signaling the start of a new day at 6 am. Realizing I've barely slept for an hour. Perfect.

I slip into a fresh set of clothes and head to the kitchen, where Dash has prepared breakfast for both of us. Grateful, I thank him and take a seat to eat. However, my mind is preoccupied with the events of the night with Cate and the vivid dream that lingers in my thoughts. The surreal experience has left me contemplating whether I can ever face her again.

D: Y/N! Are you listening to me?

Y: Sorry, I didn't hear you. I didn't sleep well.

D: I was just saying that... -Cate interjects.

C: Y/N, what are you doing here? You should be sleeping -I glance at her for a second but quickly shift my focus back to my food.

Flashbacks from tonight and my dream flood my mind.

D: Yeah, I think you should stay home today. You won't be able to concentrate anyway.

Y: Yeah, I think that's a good idea. Can you take me home before going to uni?

C: There's no need to rush. You sleep here for as long as you want to, and I'll take you home later.

Y: Oh no! I'm sure you have a lot of things to do, I don't wanna be a burden.

C: You're never a burden. And I have nothing to do today anyway.

D: Yeah Y/N, sleep here for a while, and then you go home.

Y: Okay...


Dash left about three hours ago, and I've been sleeping all this time. I just woke up, and I think I'm going to go home, have a shower, and see if I can freshen up a little bit.

I gather my belongings and make my way to Cate's room. A gentle knock on the door, and she invites me in.

Y: I just wanted to let you know that I'm heading home.

C: Oh! Let me grab my shoes, and I'll drive you home.

Y: No, it's okay. I'll walk.

Cate's pov

I sense Y/N is a bit uneasy around me, so I simply nod and suggest that she shoot me a message once she arrives home.

I was on the verge of kissing her last night. The desire was strong, but a sudden realization washed over me. I felt the weight of the age difference between us. Why would a woman in her 20s be interested in sharing a kiss with someone in her 50s? The incongruity hit me hard, and so I withdrew. I left abruptly, and while I felt guilty for departing without a word, she appeared frozen, leaving me with no other course of action.

The sound of my phone jolts me out of my thoughts, and I see her name on the screen. Without hesitation, I answer the call.

C: Hi! Did you make it home?

Y: Hey... Yes. I just wanted to apologize for my behavior earlier. I was a little rude. I'm sorry...

C: Oh honey, it's fine...

Y: No, it's not. I'm sorry.

C: Okay, then. Apologies accepted.

Y: Thanks, bye -and she hungs up.

I sense that she's not okay. However, I'm not in a position to inquire if she doesn't wish to share. It's disheartening to see her like this, and I wish there was something I could do to help.


A/n: Hii gays!!

How are y'all doing? I just wanted to say that I don't know if I should make them kiss soon or wait a little bit more. Tell me, what would you prefer?

Thank you for reading, voting and commenting. I love u all!!!

Juls <3

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