5. Like family

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After half an hour, Cate enters my room.

C: Are you done? Why didn't you tell me?

Y: I... I didn't wanna bother -I'm relieved she didn't seem to hear me earlier.

C: You never bother! I got to buy something for Dash, are you coming?

Y: Sure!

C: Do you mind if we walk there? The shop's not really far away.

Y: No! I love walking!

C: Right, I forgot! -she laughs.


The atmosphere is oddly serene as we walk down the street, not uncomfortable, but definitely peculiar.

However, the silence is soon broken by her.

C: So... how's University? -she moves closer to me.

Y: Good. Really good. Exams start next week though.

C: I'm sure you'll do great!

Y: I don't know, I'm a little worried.

C: Why?

We continue chatting as Cate enters the shop to purchase what she needs, and shortly after, she comes back out.

C: Would you like to continue walking for a bit longer, or should we head straight home?

Y: Let's walk a little bit more!

We continue walking until we reach a park, and then we take a seat on a bench to rest.

C: This is beautiful! I'd never been to this park before.

Y: It is! I come here whenever I want to disconnect from the world. How come you've never been here? It's close to your house.

C: Well... I don't really go out for walks, so it must be that.

Y: Why?

C: Whenever I leave my house, I feel like I'm being watched all the time because of the damn paparazzi.

Y: You should've said that earlier! Do you wanna go home?

C: No! No, please! I like spending time with you! And I feel safer with you -I just nod and blush at her words.

Suddenly, her phone rings, and she takes the call.

C: It was Dash. He's hungry. I think he's better now -she says, laughing.

Y: Definitely! -I laugh too.


Already at home

I'm in the process of setting the table while Cate puts the finishing touches on dinner. Dash will be joining us since he mentioned feeling much better now.

D: Hello there! - he greets, emerging from his room.

Y: Hi! How are you feeling?

D: Honestly, I feel great!

Y: I can see that - I reply with a laugh.

C: Well, let's dig in then!

We spend dinner engrossed in conversation and laughter. I genuinely enjoy this time with them; it feels like being with family.

After tidying up, we retreat to our respective rooms.

I lie in bed, contemplating thoughts of Cate. My admiration for her existed even before our personal encounter and prior to discovering she was my best friend's mother. However, this newfound personal connection has intensified my feelings for her. The way she cares for everyone and everything, her devotion to her loved ones, her appreciation for family—everything about her seems perfect. From her captivating blue eyes and pale skin to her beautiful smile and even her wrinkles, I find every detail enchanting.

I am unintentionally falling for her, and it's a predicament I don't wish to face. I fear that once I surrender to these feelings, there will be no turning back. The reality is harsh; nothing could transpire between us. After all, why would she ever see me in that way? I am simply her son's best friend. The pain is palpable, and I'm left with the dilemma of navigating this uncharted emotional territory alone. I contemplate the option of leaving before my feelings deepen, but that would mean parting ways with my cherished best friend. The inner conflict rages on as I grapple with the uncertainty of my emotions. For now, I decide to set aside these thoughts, attempting to lull myself to sleep and steer clear of dwelling on the complexities of my feelings for her.


A/n: Hellooooo!

I'm really trying to make longer chapters but I just felt like this was the perfect ending for this one so I'm sorry if you like longer ones.

Please comment what you think about the story :) And thank you to everybody who votes, you really make my days!!!

Remember that if you see any mistake with the writing don't hesitate to tell me and I'll fix it. English is not my first language so don't be afraid to notify me if you see any mistakes.

Take care of yourselves, hope you're having a great day!

Juls <3

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