Chapter -12

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Sky and Rain looked at them with cold eyes.... They gave a challenging look to everyone

Sky: Fuck the heir.... Is it all that matters? What about our feelings? Do any of you care About us?
Rain: They are heirs so what? Huh? What are we to you? Just because the four of them are heirs... They are always right...? They are right to punish us?

Rain took a step towards them and pointed his finger straight at Mos, Payu, Pai and Bright

Rain: None of you didn't even think of finding out about the truth... Before hurting us and humiliating us...
Sky: And you guys... Even before trying to know about our abilities you guys are saying we are weak and a burden to all of you..
Rain: I really can't understand... What is it that you want from us?

Everyone looked at them but No one said a word... They stayed silent.... Every word Rain and Sky said hit them hard... They don't know what to say, because they were right....

Rain: Our Parents nor our brothers nor anyone whom we consider family believes us!!!!! They didn't attend our big day!!!!  They insulted us!!!! Slapped us!!!  Scolded us!!!  Rejected us!!! You guys are hurting us so much!!! You guys said those bitches are more important than us... Why? What did we do? !!!!!!!!!!

Rain screamed at them.... Sky went towards Rain and Kept his hand on Rain's shoulder... Sky wrapped his hand around Rain's shoulder.... Rain leaned into Sky's touch... Sky nodded his head at Rain... Rain did the same....

Sky:  No one here cares for us.. nor our parents...not a single person... There is no use staying here anymore.....
Rain: We are leaving just like you guys want... Hope we will never see each other again...

Rain and Sky turned back towards the door and started walking....

James: Where are you guys going?

They stopped and looked at the others...

Sky: Leaving this family.... From today onwards we have no relation with this family... Just think that we were never born.... You guys don't have a son like us....
Rain: You have your heirs... You don't need weak people like us in this family... From this moment.... We cut all the relation with this family... We are disowned...

They looked at everyone for one last time and left the Mansion....They left.... They didn't come back that night nor did the next day and everyone started getting worried... They searched for them but didn't find them... After 2 days they got a post.... Vegas was the one who received it.. He read the content and asked everyone to gather in the meeting room....

(In the meeting room)

Kinn: why did you suddenly ask all of us to come?
Porsche: Did you find them?
Pete: Are they okay?
Vegas: I'll answer all your questions but before that listen to me....
Zee: Okay...
Vegas: Earlier I got a post... After I went through it I thought we all should have a look at it...

Vegas turned on the projector and some photos started coming on the screen...  Payu and Pai couldn't believe their eyes....

Pete: who are they?
Vegas: Pai and Payu's lovers with their lovers...
Mos: what?
Vegas: It's true... There is more...

Vegas then started playing some videos of them going for dates and kissing and hugging and at last having sex... Payu and Pai were angry but they were hurt seeing their lovers cheating on them...

Win: That means what Rain and Sky said are true?
Vegas: Yes...
Pai: They won't do this to us... They love us... It must be fake...
Vegas: I knew you guys would say this... I cross checked... It's not fake...

All of them were guilty... They didn't believe them.. they thought they did it and said all that because they were jealous of Pai and Payu's lovers....

Kim: Actually I was going to tell you about it... After they left I asked my people to find the truth... This is the file...

Kim put forward a file and threw the photos on the big table... All of them looked at the file and Photos.... Pai and Payu were fuming in anger....

New: How are the kids? Are they fine?
Type: Where are they?
Vegas: I haven't got any information about them yet...
Kim: Me neither... I tracked their phones but I found them smashed in front of the house...
Tharn: Don't worry... They will be back in a few days... Where else can they go?
Zee: Yeh they will be back once they calm down....

Zee and Tharn tried to calm New and Type who were anxious...

Bright: We have to find them...
Mos: We will find them....

Everyone looked at Bright and Mos who had tears in their eyes....

Mos: I....I... shouldn't have done that... I slapped him.... I slapped my brother....
Bright: I...hurt him... I shouldn't have... I slapped him.... It's our fault...
Mos: It's all our fault... We are the reason why they left our house....
Bright: We didn't even go for their first shift because of our stubbornness...
Mos: We broke the promise....
Bright: No we have to find them.... We have to...
Mos: Yeh we have to...

Everyone looked at Mos and Bright who were mumbling like they had gone crazy.... They both got up mumbling and were going to search for them.... Win and Bank stopped them....

Win: Where are you guys going?
Mos: We have to find them... We have to find our brothers....
Bank: And where do you think they are? Huh?!!!
Win: Where the fuck are to going to find them?!!!

Bank and Win yelled at them....  Then they dragged them back to their seats.... Bank and Win stood in front of everyone....

Bank: I know our words are going to hurt you guys but we have to say it....
Win: After what happened during their birthday and the day before.. Do you guys really think they want to come back?
Bank: What do you guys want them to do? Come back and behave like nothing happened?
Win: I hope you guys haven't forgotten what you have done to them...

They looked at Mos, Bright,Payu and Pai...

Bank: Each and every word you said...
Win: Each and every thing you did to them...
Bank: If you were in their shoes what would have you done? Tell me... I want to know...
Win: The four heirs... If someone did all that to you guys what would have you guys done?

They all stayed silent.... If it were them.. The ones who accused them would be dead by the next second. And their parents... No matter what they would have trusted them... Because they were the future heirs....

Bank: We are at wrong too... If we have stood up for them more strongly.... They might have not left us...
Win: Our baby brothers wouldn't have had to suffer so much.... They wouldn't have left this family....

Bank and Win broke down finally.... They were guilty.... Because they couldn't protect their baby brothers... Because they didn't stand up to them strongly....They continued their search for them but they couldn't find them... Days passed by but they didn't get any information about them... After that they realised that they have left them like they said....

(Flashback ends)

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