Chapter Four: Ignoring These Feelings

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Our Secret Betrayal

Chapter Four: Ignoring These Feelings

His eyes stared right into mine. I felt as if the entire world stopped right in front of us. His black hair was styled messily, and he was growing some facial hair along his strong jaw line. He had this great vibe with his tall and muscular body type.

Everything felt so right looking at him. I even felt a tinge of nervousness. Wait, Christen Carter nervous? Never. It just didn't seem possible yet here it was happening to me right in front of my face.

I extended my hand. "My name is Christen, Christen Carter. Nice to meet you."

For a moment he stared at my hand, and I've never felt more self conscious in my life.

Then he gave me the brightest smile that I have ever seen before taking my hand in his large one, giving it a firm yet gentle shake.

"Roman Burlough. It's very nice to meet you as well." He brought my hand up to his lips before laying a soft kiss upon it.

I blushed a very hot pink color while Ms. Sourpuss was standing behind him glaring at his back.

She cleared her throat. "Well, now that everybody has been formally introduced how about we go on and get to class."

I nodded, but my eyes never left his. His eyes were the same. We just couldn't stop looking at each other.

"Go on." She pushed.

"Oh, right. Uh, what class do you have?"

His voice was amazing. It was deep but not too deep, and soothing.

The blush that never seemed to go away in the first place, only got worse as heat started rising up to my cheeks.

"Yeah. . .yeah I have English 4."

He shot me another breath taking smile. "Right this way my lady." He held out his hand which I hesitantly took.

What was wrong with me? I've never acted this way around anyone, and I've met Ian Somerhalder before. Yet I was in front of a normal guy and I just couldn't get myself together.

With my hand in his, he began to guide me to my next class as we walked in sync holding hands.

My body got goosebumps just from being this close to him. I could smell his amazing scent, he smelt like Lavender.

"So how are you liking the school so far?"

I wondered if he was feeling the same way I was. Was he flustered just by a glance, did he get chills all over his body from a touch?

I smiled widely at him. "It was just another school until I met you." I giggled slightly.

Oh God that was so corny, and cheesy Christen! What were you thinking? I mentally face palmed myself.

He must think I'm some kind of idiot or fan girl.

While I was over here having a melt down he stood there laughing it up.

"That's a new one that I haven't heard yet."

I smiled slightly.

I never thought someone could smile so much just by being in the other's company. There was something about him, something different.

For the first time in my life, a guy that I find attractive wasn't drooling all over me, and it felt good. . .

I finally felt like a normal teenage girl. Here I am giggling, and blushing because of a cute boy.

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