Chapter Eleven: A Broken Promise

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Our Secret Betrayal

Chapter Eleven: A Broken Promise


"I know it's wrong. . . but I just can't stop." I moaned loudly.

I always knew that what I was doing was unforgivable, but I knew that I had hit an all time low when I turned my head towards the picture on my end table. The picture of my little sister and I making our first promise and I grabbed it and turned it over, face down.

"Roman!" I moaned out loudly as he gave me everything he had.

I had played this scenario out in my head and in my dreams over and over a million times and never would I ever have prepared myself for what was about to happen next.


The door burst open and my heart dropped down to my stomach as I pushed him off of me, and scrambled away. I clutched the sheet for dear life up against my naked body.

Her face, the look on her face is the one thing that I will never forget. She looked destroyed. Tears shed from her face, and her eyes were as big as saucers.

"Christen?" She cried out.

My own tears started to fall once she said that. Oh no, what have I done? I watched in fear as her eyes examined the scene. Once her sights were set on the person beside me it seemed as if her anger started resonating.

"What the fuck is going on here?" She screamed towards the two of us.

I jumped up and started throwing my clothes on. It was obvious that she already knew what was going on, but she was in denial about it right now.

"I'm sorry!" I cried out in a pleading tone. "I'm sorry!"

I very much knew that I didn't deserve her forgiveness. I was stuck on repeat, and kept doing the same things that got me in this predicament in the first place.

"What are you doing here Lola?" Asked Roman and Lola's eyes narrowed towards him.

"First off, this is my home, and I got off work early today because I wanted to come spend time with my lovely big sister!"

Her hand flew across my face and a loud sound projected from the impact as she screamed in a fit of rage. "How could you?" She cried out louder.

My mouth opened and closed as I held a hand to my stinging cheek. There was absolutely nothing that I could say to answer that question. Nothing that would preserve her feelings. My heart grew weak at the sound of her breaking heart.

When she realized that I didn't have an answer she turned and looked at Roman. "How could you?" She closed her eyes after asking him that question. My guess is that she feared that answer. How could you not when in a situation like this?

"Look Lola, I'm sorry but it was all her. She seduced me and I kept trying to tell her that I was in love with you, but she wouldn't listen!" He roared out in a pleading tone.

My mouth fell open and my eyes widened in shock. Did he really just blame this entire thing on me? Wasn't he the one telling me he loved me, and that he wanted the whole world to know that I was with him? Tears welled up in my eyes again. How could I be so foolish, so damn gullible?

"Lola, that is not true!" I cried out defending myself. "He told me that he was in love with me and not you."

It takes two to dance and he was just as guilty as I am right now!

"You know what? I'm done, I don't even want to hear anymore! You two are disgusting! Roman we're done, and I never want to see you again. You know what's funny? People kept warning me about you. That kept telling me that you were nothing but a player, but I believed in you and trusted you so I defended you!" She let on with a dry laugh.

"Get out." She calmly told him, but when he didn't move she picked up a vase from my dresser and threw it at him and it smashed against the wall next to him. "Get the fuck out!" She screamed.

I watched as he scurried on out of the room like the dog he was.

I have never seen her so hurt before. Her eyes were bloodshot red, tears were streaming from her eyes, and veins were showing upon her forehead. To say that I was scared was an understatement, I was terrified.

Terrified of what she might do in this case scenario. I couldn't even look in her eyes after all of the hurt, and pain that I have caused her.

That's when she scanned the room and fell down on her knees to the ground when her eyes landed upon the turned over picture of our first promise. She was quiet for a moment. "So that's how you got through it?" She whispered.

I took a huge gasp of sharp air before crying yet again. Why did I do this? Why did I do this to my innocent little sister?

"Is it?" She yelled, and all I could do was silently nod.

She shook her head. "How pathetic! You're my older sister! I thought I mean't as much to you as you do to me, but I can see now that I was wrong. I was so wrong!"

"Lola I-" I tried but she cut me off.

"Shut the fuck up Christen! You may always be my sister, but I don't have to ever deal with you again. I want you to pack your shit, and I want you to go back to LA where you came from and I never want to see you or hear from you again." She grabbed the framed picture on my end table and threw it up against a wall shattering the glass and frame.

I shook my head viciously as tears poured from my eyes. "No Lola, no."

"Let me make this clear to you, if you are not gone by tomorrow morning I will not only tell mom and dad about your trifling betrayal, but I'll make sure that the whole world knows just how much of a trashy whore you are!" She threatened in a low tone before walking out of my room and slamming the door behind her.

I slowly slid down the wall and hugged my knees up to my chest. What have I done? I've ruined everything. I've had several warnings and chances to make things right. I ignored them, and I took my little sister for granted. I picked up the broken framed picture of my sister and I.

I destroyed our precious relationship forever and there was nothing that I could do or say to fix it.

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