19. Unsettling doubts

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"Come back here."

Hosook's grumbling doesn't stop Taehyung. He wants to take something. He can't feel his throat. Blame it on everything he did last night How sucking a vagina sucked him dry? At the moment, it would be the most normal thing that has happened to him in this house. Because he can't see anything, he opens the curtains wide, sure there's a pitcher of water around somewhere-.


Taehyung is alarmed, why the sudden shrieks on Hosook's part? The woman writhes and screams in pain, rays of sunlight directly impacting her naked body. Taehyung closes the curtains again, joins the dots quickly:

Hosook is always covered and using an umbrella, there had to be some reason to run away from the sun. The answer comes in even less normally than it should have. Hosook gasps and wheezes in bed, large burns on his body. Taehyung comes over to check on her.

"S-sorry my lady, I-I didn't know I couldn't- A-ay no, I'll go get Jin to help you." Taehyung looks for what to wear, finds a robe-from Hosook-and hurries off. Hosook arches back and smiles through the pain.

"He's so damn cute." she grumbles through her teeth.

~ * * * ~

Jimin pets the little pink and white feathered bird, thoughtfully and sighing endlessly. Thinking too much is not his forte, but he has little choice at the moment. A conflict between what he should do, what is ideal, what he wants. There is so much intermingled that it is almost impossible to attend to anything.

On the one hand Jimin thinks: he should have killed Jungkook by now or made the attempt, not play the role model for almost every cadre, attend parties as a sort of concubine and have sex with him to the point of fainting.

On the other side Jimin thinks: he loved it all because... Jungkook was focused on him! He was focused on making him feel good, on enjoying the moment with him and not at his expense; the way he was touching him was so intimate, real and eager. As if the non-existent desire in his gaze and actions, manifested itself in the best carnal act of his life.

Anyone can call it making love to someone who doesn't love him.

He doubts very much to be loved by someone so beautiful, mysterious and confusing.

On the third and most problematic side, Jimin thinks: Are any of the other thoughts right? His family wants to come to power at the cost of dirtying his hands, endangering his life; Jungkook wants him for his blood and for being attractive. It shouldn't matter. Jimin has only known Jungkook for a few months.

The bottom line: did you really fall in love with someone you know nothing about?

Just because he gives you the love you have nowhere.

Jimin covers his face with his hands, puts the bird aside and sobs brokenly.

"What's wrong my lord?"

Jimin uncovers himself, finds Namjoon at the entrance. It is noticed that he came to talk another matter and the crying distracted him. Jimin breathes through his mouth and holds the crying. It's not only awkward, it's also a little strange. He abhors this kind of drama.

"It's nothing." Jimin replies tearfully and Namjoon purses his lips. He manages to perceive the lie easily.

"My lord" he calls, crouching down next to him. "You can talk to me about whatever troubles you. I am your support when you need me."

Jimin pouts, "Couldn't you have flirted with me earlier? And have taken me with you in your caravan, stopped me from coming in here to do something crazy like killing someone." Namjoon shrugs. That's none of his business. It's the nobles functioning as nobles.

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